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Daughter – How Lyrics 4 years ago
I think this song has to do with someone moving on from a relationship that was never truly right for them, but they still are moving on in "slow motion" anyways. It's almost like it is fizzling out slowly whilst it is still actually occurring in real time. They are still together but its empty. She asks "how long until the last dance?", wondering how much longer this could possibly go on before its actually over entirely. I think these lyrics are a bit wrong though. I think she is talking about "holding on to souvenirs" from their relationship and in the following lyric "His words inked from birthdays" as another form of a souvenir that she holds onto even in the wake of them ending. It can be hard to tell if they have already ended or if they are dragging it out and it already feels over. Either way, I adore this song, as well as the video. Well done, yet again Daughter.

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