


I am into heavy metal, industrial metal, hard rock and I also still like a good ballad from time to time and The White Buffalo is very good at that. But Ministry fires my blood up when I am tired or just tired of people. FFDP also gets me going when tired
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Ministry – Just One Fix Lyrics 5 years ago
I have listened to this song thousands of times over the years, if I am tired and have things to do Just One Fix is my go to song to get the blood pounding. But when just the music is playing and there are no lyrics about the time it starts with all he ever does there is an added sound to the music and I don't know if someone is doing it or it's an instrument. I used to think it sounded like tat tat tat but now it sounds 4 times in a row in this song like it's a ka ka ka sound? Does anyone else hear this and know how they are doing it?

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