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Skyhooks – Why doncha all get fucked? Lyrics 1 year ago
My anthem. My signature tune. Will be the lead song at my funeral. Exactly my attitude to a selfish, narcissistic society that doesn't care and just keeps on kicking you in the guts, summed up in 4 minutes.
Can especially relate to the last verse, parents and politics, money and marriage - all of which have pissed me off at one time or another - and life in general is making you spew...
Ironically, I was in the 6th grade when this came out. Another reason I've claimed it as my anthem. Although I wasn't the kid who stood up on the trash can - but the intelligent one held down by the morons in the class. So the verse is still valid.

Skyhooks – Twisted Innocence Lyrics 1 year ago
Brilliant lyric. Sums up perfectly the lot of those of us more cerebrally gifted breaking our balls trying to get ahead, while those without the gift of intellect just live for the moment and enjoy life.

Billy Joel – Zanzibar Lyrics 1 year ago
One of the major appeals of Billy Joel's lyrics has always been that they are open to numerous interpretations. I really don't think the song has sexual connotations as others have said, but that's the value ! A number of his songs are very emotive personally, this one particularly so. In my interpretation, ' Zanzibar ' represents the writer's home town, and the lyric tells of severe homesickness and the writer's driving urge to return to his home town.
It makes several references to being a faceless nobody working hard, but remaining faceless while others take the credit for his achievements. But the references to being just another face at Zanzibar,, the waitress, the special smile, shanty town ( which is a particular parallel personally ) etc, all refer to the special feeling of peace the writer feels when he is there.
"Me I'm trying just to get to second base, and I'd steal it if she only gave the sign" - refers to the writer's hunger to return home and working hard to get into a position to do so, and the fact he will grab the slightest chance.
" Gonna give the go ahead, the inning isn''t over yet " , simply means he will be home one day. and that thought drives him on.
" She's gonna pull the curtains down for me" refers to the day he arrives back permanently, the analogy of pulling the curtains suggests no more moving away.
The chorus about the jazz guitar, the old man's car and a tab at Zanzibar tonight, is a reference to the writer's frequent short visits home and dreams of being back permanently.

One of my ' call to arms ' tracks whenever I am visiting my hometown, along with Christie's' Yellow River' , Take Me High by Cliff Richard, and especially Echo Beach by Martha & The Muffins. Great track.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 5 years ago
I really do wish those who associate this song with drugs and being stoned would save that crap for Beatles lyrics. This song has NOTHING.. NADA..ZILCH.. to do with drugs. Simply, its all about sinking into an inner world of self protection where you can't get hurt by the ravages of life. You have to have been on the receiving end to truly understand.

America – Ventura Highway Lyrics 6 years ago
My classic ' Escape ' song...
Very simple. Wanting to be somewhere else. Wanting to go home or to a special place where one finds inner peace.
Excellent piece of writing, as in the opening verse, wandering around engaging in self dialogue:
" Tell me, how long you gonna stay here Joe? "
Dismissing criticisms of the place itself or the motive for wanting to be there:
' Some people say this town don't look good in snow - you don't care, I know."
Second verse basically describes the feeling of restlessness while caught up in mundane, everyday existence ( purple rain ) and hoping for some kind of intervention ( wishing on a falling star )
Moving to a curt response to those who will say ' hey, it's not so bad where you are if you look at it differently ' - (Thanks a lot son , just the same )

Chorus simply tells of all the good feeling in that special place. The free wind, days surround your daylight, no despair. Alligator lizards can be interpreted in any way, as in a special thing in this place that nowhere else has.

Substitute ' Bellarine ' for ' Ventura ' and it's the perfect lyric, played very very loud and very often in my little part of the world.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 6 years ago
I have always regarded this as by far and away the best lyric ever written and the sad part is, I can totally relate to what the message talks about. I have always been mightily angered by the druggies claiming this as some sort of anthem for ' dropping out ' or getting stoned. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with being stoned.
My interpretation of the lyric is quite simply - one part general society trying to analyse and ' fix ' the narrator who feels great pain arising from the cruelties of life and fate, believing him to be ' wrong ' and minimising the hurt ( I can ease your pain, put you on your feet again, okay okay, just a little pinprick...that will keep you going through the show...) - and the other part the narrator saying to society - I have shut off, you can't hurt me anymore, I have become comfortably numb - retracted completely inwards. The analogies of distant ship smoke on the horizon , hands felt just like two balloons, caught a fleeting glimpse... incredibly emotive. An absolute masterpiece of writing, the only other track that even comes close was Paddy McAloon's ( Prefab Sprout ) Cars & Girls.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 6 years ago
@[SmileyFuckingRainbows:24654] To put it fairly simply - the part of this absolute cracking lyric you have extrapolated refers to the realisation as an adult of how all the dreams and hopes that life promised were smoke and mirrors in reality, and as life goes on, it becomes clearer that they drift further away as we get older. Becoming comfortably numb simply refers to the coping strategy - when one has been hurt so many times, shut off your feelings so as you can't be hurt again. Just simply brilliant.

Gerry Rafferty – Baker Street Lyrics 6 years ago
I kind of agree with the one below about the arrival at a turning point. As an introspective person by nature, I get a pretty strong introspective interpretation from this song that's not too far removed from my own situation. The first part talks about disillusionment and despair arising from an error of judgement and being somewhere where you thought was better, but in reality, isn't. In the same vein as Albert Hammond's ' It Never Rains In Southern California' .
In contrast to what others have written about the second part, I see this as the introspective part - the narrator looking inward at himself. The dream of being where he thought would be a paradise and where he can forget his troubles and struggles, and constant moving around to find it. But inside he knows the way things are, he is a dog chasing it's tail.

The closing however, to me suggests that when you snap out of the stupor ( " when you wake up " ) there is hope.

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