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Seether – Innocence Lyrics 7 years ago
Sounds like he's struggling with being a celebrity

Breaking Benjamin – Close to Heaven Lyrics 7 years ago
Yeah I tend to agree with the comments before me. I think it's about love, his disease, and his wish to keep playing music.
The first verse is about the symptoms and his decision to carry on. The second verse is about the crap the doctors told him about not having a cure for his disease and his decision to just deal.
The verse is his way of saying, 'Fuck it.' He's going to do what he loves until he drops dead.
The verse could be a conversation between he and his wife with him telling her that he will come home and she doesn't want him to go so he says release me my love.

Hozier – Take Me to Church Lyrics 7 years ago
Eh there are a few religious undertones and connotations. When I first heard it I did only think it was about someone who felt like an outsider but upon reading these comments I do see the sexual innuendos.
Having said that, I consider myself a follower of Jesus. That doesn't mean I'm perfect. The word 'homophobia' would imply that God and his constituents are afraid of homosexuality. For me this is not the case. I have had sex with men before and was in somewhat of a symbiotic relationship with one and there are many situations and choices that could help someone on the way down to homosexuality. I have since repented and now have no desire to be with a man. It didn't happen overnight. No one ever is born or becomes gay on a whim. Nor can it be reversed as quickly.
As far as the 'church' goes, not every Christian is as judge-mental as the media and atheists would imply. But having said that, God did literally burn down two cities because of rampant homosexuality. I am afraid that this could happen to America.
I do not consider the Roman Catholic church to be a Christian organization, nor do I recognize their authority or validity. They have controlled history and information for thousands of years. They think you can literally buy your way into heaven. It's actually true that to become a satanist minister you must complete catholic seminary.
I understand that people are fed up with organized religion, but the key is understanding that people are fallible. God is not fallible.

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