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Twenty One Pilots – Ride Lyrics 7 years ago
So I'm gonna add my own interpretation because I've never seen it explained.

For me the song is partly about their fame.
To understand that you have to have the video in mind.

"I just wanna stay in the sun where I find
I know it's hard sometimes
Pieces of peace in the sun's peace of mind
I know it's hard sometimes"

Here the sun would represent their fame, their success, they're in the light of the public now. And their success gives Tyler some peace of mind, because that was the goal, to be listened to, to make shows. But it's hard sometimes because typically, Tyler (or Josh I think) wouldn't be the kind of person comfortable with fame. Doing interviews and explaining deep and personal song lyrics is not his most comfortable place to be.

"Yeah, I think about the end just way too much
But it's fun to fantasize
All my enemies who wouldn't wish who I was
But it's fun to fantasize"

Here it could have a double meaning. The first one being related to suicidal thoughts, thinking about death, fantasizing about it when it sees as a freeing, a relief.
But it could also mean the end of fame, which could also be a relief for someone like Tyler because fame also means being inspected, judged.

"Oh, oh
I'm falling so I'm taking my time on my ride
Oh, I'm falling so I'm taking my time on my ride
Taking my time on my ride"

Tyler think they just have a ride to success, that all of this will fall down anyways so he enjoys while it lasts.
In the video, they're in the dark until the second "ride" when the light of the sun suddenly appear and you can see in te video how the light dazzle them, as it being annoying and forbidding them to properly see. That's duality of fame being represented, they're shown in the lights but it keeps them from seeing what's in front of them.

"I'd die for you
That's easy to say
We have a list of people that we would take
A bullet for them
A bullet for you
A bullet for everybody in this room
But I don't seem to see many bullets coming through
See many bullets coming through"

Here it's about how everyone talks about self sacrifice but we rarely have the occasion to prove that we would do it. "Everyone in this room" makes me think of a concert. How Tyler would sacrifices for the fans if needed. He wants to have this feeling, that he would do it. But you never know until it happens.

"Metaphorically I'm the man
But literally I don't know what I'd do"

Here explained more clearly, Tyler's the man because he's the one fans look up too, and he wants to be able to handle the task, but if we speak literally, real bullets, real death, he's not sure if he could.

"I'd live for you
And that's hard to do
Even harder to say
When you know it's not true
Even harder to write
When you know that tonight
There are people back home who tried talking to you
But then you ignored them still
All these questions they're for real
Like Who would you live for?
Who would you die for?
And would you ever kill?"

Tyler said in interviews several time (also for House of Gold) that living for someone is actually harder than dying for them (which I personally think is extremely true and we don't think about that enough). I think he can be talking here about song writing. Writing songs about your loved ones, saying you would die and live for them but in reality ("the literally" from above) when those persons try to reach you, you ignore them. So you say in a song you would live for them but it's not true in reality.
So it makes you think to these concepts of living and dying for someone in real life. Not in a sentence in a song. Who would you actually be dying /living/killing for if even your loved ones at home are not it?
And that would be the part "I've been thinking too much, help me".

Then it's when it becomes even more interesting in the music video. After the second chorus in the sun, the dark is back and you see Tyler singing the "I've been thinking too much, help me ".
When the last chorus starts, we see Josh putting sunglasses on Tyler, and Tyler on Josh. The sunglasses clearly representing their relationship to fame. They explicitly said in interviews that sunglasses are there to make them "cooler" and hide them. In the first chorus, when the sun appeared, they didn't wear them, they weren't prepared and were dazzled. Now, on the last chorus, they're prepared to live the fame, live in the light.
It's even more clear when you see that for this last chorus, the light is not the sun anymore, it's actual spotlights usually used in big shows. So it's about them living under the spotlights. And look how they act way more "cool" in that part than in the first chorus.

But the song ends on another "I've been thinking too much, help me verse", Tyler in a dimmer sunlight, sunglasses still on. The all picture and the lyrics added represent the confusion of it all. How they want success and and can't handle it at the same time.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.