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Lords Of Acid – Marijuana In Your Brain Lyrics 22 years ago
i think it's about a bird. A bird that likes to do oragami.

Oasis – Wonderwall Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is the portentous narrative of my recent romatic episode. I'll preface my interpretation by introducing our afflicted heroine. She was quite a catch indeed, the type you'd be proud to bring home to mum. But despite her devastating beauty and intimidating intellect which not only served to inspire but also to humble, she was so troubled and so fragile. Such was the dilemma. Love is the bondage of emotions and corporeal desires, and it would be criminal to hold a free spirit such as hers to such a contract. In her vulnerable state she had developed a habit of seeking abuse and self-degredation, which the confinement of love would deny her. So we went our ways --she, to sort out her inner conflicts on her own, I, to wait for her return. Fastforward to the future, or the ominous present --Today is gonna be the day when they're gonna throw it back to you, by now you shoulda some how figured out what you gotta do-- Our heroine has returned to her hometown, she's apprehensive of her reunion with her abandoned past, but she braves judgement and potentially devastating emotional strife and has made the decision to return, she can't runaway from her problems forever. Her return has raised hopes in her admirers that her inner drama has been played out and she may accept the love they have always offered and even reciprocate it. And I would believe that I was unique in my feelings for her. I begin to imagine the tortuous yet brilliant road to our future together. The feeling of nirvana I had felt when we first met returns. Finally, she is here to save me from unbearably melancholy life which has become all too gray and dreary. Suicidal thoughts --out, hopes of a brighter future --in. 1:54 -- In an instant, the dark clouds of loneliness and depression close over my life. I am no longer bathed in the warm, fuzzy light of a bright and happy future. She still radiates with the same awe inspiring glow yet there is no silver lining in my life, not a single glimmer of a high prospects shine through to me. Then it becomes clear. While she had been resolving her issues and I had been hoping and waiting for her return, she had also found a new life. One that I was not a part of. Her new life will indeed be a tortuous yet brilliant one, but I would not be there to walk with her through it. Today was gonna be the day, but they'll never throw it back to you. Although god knows I still love you and will always love you, It's not my place to walk back into your life to pick up where we stopped. You've come to terms with your past, and you're simply saying farewell. As for myself, I still need to find my life and resolve my issues with the past. That's how you've saved me and like a wall, a wonderwall. I'll always look to you for support but our lives must travel in parellel.

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