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Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah Lyrics 1 year ago
Cohen says in the song that David had a secret musical connection with God, and that he could only compose a Hallelujah when his heart was broken.
For example, when David saw Bathsheba bathing naked and took her from her husband, God made her break his throne and cut his hair, breaking him down. Only then, he was able to sing the Hallelujah.
David then realized that it didn’t matter whether or not he complied with the prohibition of pronouncing God's name in vain, but, becoming a mystic, found God in all words. So he could sing the Hallelujah every time he united the holy and the broken in the One.
Thus, he concludes saying that without commandments, he did everything in life, and this led him to not being able to feel and to confuse feeling (the holy) with touching (the broken,, the divided). But, because his intention was good, even though everything failed, by uniting his good intention (holy) and his failure (broken), he will be to sing a pure Hallelujah.
The song is a beautiful metaphor about finding the Absolute (plenitude) in the union of the opposites.

Emerson, Lake & Palmer – The Sage Lyrics 1 year ago
Reasons that are lost in rhymes: Page could have been playing with rhymes with no reasons here. But one can elaborate on it and say that beyond the reasons there is a match in the form, and that is what matters. A concrete form and not a abstract reason.

Emerson, Lake & Palmer – The Sage Lyrics 6 years ago
@[codehead:23657]: You are right. I found the lyrics with "eyes" in internet and it led me to a wrong interpretation. With rhymes it is more difficult to find a meaning. Thanks.

Leonard Cohen – Alexandra Leaving Lyrics 8 years ago
Cohen describes how suddenly being in love vanishes (“The god of love preparing to depart”), but from that we must not conclude that it was an illusion (It's not a trick, your senses all deceiving”…“A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust”), it existed with all its magical feeling (“And radiant beyond your widest measure”). Don’t let the enormous pain it caused to you to deny its value (“Do not say the moment was imagined, do not stoop to strategies like this”). Face it (drink it in), don’t be coward (“Do not choose a coward's explanation”), accept that being in love is like that, without justifications (“That hides behind the cause and the effect”). It existed as an epiphany with the god of love that appeared now he is going away, and taking Alexandra with him (“The god of love preparing to depart “ … “Alexandra leaving with her Lord”).

He goes against Greek philosophers that said that only things that are eternal are real and the rest are illusions, like the ideas in Plato. And also against Aristotle that says that everything has a cause. The epiphany of being in love breaks it, because the very essence of being in love is out of reasoning, and if we try to explain it, we eliminate its essence.

Of course this can be extrapolated to other subjects like “life and death” or “happiness and sadness” but the explicit text is for being in love with a woman.

Emerson, Lake & Palmer – The Sage Lyrics 8 years ago
I carry the dust of a journey
that cannot be shaken away
It lives deep within me
for I breathed it every day

You cannot shake away what has been incarnated in yourself through what you lived along your life, what has been breathed every day.

You and I are yesterday's answers
the earth of the past come to flesh
Eroded by time's rivers
to the shapes we now possess

If in the past we had uncertanties about our futures, they were questions without answers at that moment, that were answered with what happened to us along the time of our life. Again it says that what we lived in our past is now incarnated in our flesh: the river of time moved that material and converted it in what we are now. Our body has the mark of what happened to our spirit.

Come share of my breath and my substance
and mingle our streams and our times
In bright infinite moments
our reasons are lost in our eyes

If we come together, we will mix the rivers of spirits of each one and that meeting will be bright and forever will stay in our future, as all our past is in our present flesh, There is no reasoning to move, there is a river of spirit that carries also our reasoning. The only way to know if these rivers of spirit will joing is to watch in the eyes of the other: eyes to eyes, naked, forever. There is no oblivion, no memory.

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