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Weezer – Across The Sea Lyrics 9 years ago
The rapper Milo has a theory that the greatest song he could ever write could not be released to the public because it needs to be personal and if it were released to the public it would be created with that in mind and lose some of what makes it personal and therefore it wouldn't be so great. I have a theory that Pinkerton exemplified by this song was created with a very rare and special state of mind that allowed it to be absolutely and completely personal without thinking at all of what the public would think. In that sense, Pinkerton is the greatest album of all time.

Beck – Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime Lyrics 9 years ago
To me, this song covers so many bases that have me humming the main keyboard riff. This song is about relationships, there's not a doubt about it, but it isn't just about the relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

This song hit me hardest when me and my good friend for many years started to drift apart. We just talked less and less, not because we hated eachother, but because we began going in our own directions.

The lyrics work so well with the horrible and sad situation. "Change your heart, look around you" and "change your heart, it will astound you" almost seem like a wake up call to change your mood/stop thinking about how your relationship went south so that you can carry on with your life.

But it's the titular line "everybody's gotta learn sometimes" is the one with the most emotional depth. Every human that has lived on this planet has experienced an event that you never wanted to happen, but had no control over. Whether it be a break up or two friends parting ways, the feeling of emptiness after something you thought would last forever is a terrible feeling. But it's unavoidable. Just like the song states, everybody's gotta learn sometimes...

Plus, the use of the song in the end scene of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind makes the song all the more memorable, just saying.

The Smiths – This Charming Man Lyrics 9 years ago
To me this song is about a teenager who doesn't know what he/she wants to do with their life.

"Punctured bicycle
On a hillside desolate
Will nature make a man of me yet?"
He/she is at a crossroads (adolescence) and are wondering if the world around them will turn them into what they think an adult is.

"When in this charming car
This charming man"
A person that leaves an impression on he/she. This charming man arguably leaves an influence on them.

"Why pamper life's complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger's seat?"
This charming man is telling he/she why spend your life questioning life when you could choose to be oblivious to the world around you, choosing blissful ignorance over depressing intelligence.

"I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said "it's gruesome
That someone so handsome should care""
He/she would go out and be social like they think adults are but they still face the social anxiety of adolescence. But like most people that have experienced growing up, this charming man tells he/she not to worry about it, something that he wishes he did when he was a teen.

"Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things"
Basically reiterates what was previously said. He/she doesn't know where they belong. Perhaps "return the ring" alludes to returning to a state of peace before their adolescence and "He knows so much about these things" means that this charming man is experienced with growing up and angst because he went through the cock tail of emotions that is adolescence.

But hey, it's all subjective to opinion I guess...

The Smiths – Panic Lyrics 9 years ago
To me I always saw this song being similar in meaning to "Radio Radio" by Elvis Costello. The music that is played on the radio isn't relatable and can insult your intelligence as well, plain and simple.

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