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Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit Lyrics 9 years ago
It’s - very obviously - about being a teenager

Load up on guns bring your friends

- you live in a small logging town called Aberdeen where people wear flannel and on the most part go logging for a living. They drive pick up trucks - old ones. It’s creating an image of this backward, conservative, Republican voting logging town. They meet up where the stores are in their pick up trucks - it autocorrected to pick up tricks an English saying that’s as sexist as it sounds is not far wrong -and go to keg parties. They whoop a lot.

It’s fun to lose and to pretend

- virginity it’s fun to lose it because otherwise you have to ‘pretend’

She’s over bored and self-assured

- you live in a small town called Aberdeen. People are pretty straightforward you move to Washington Olympia all the women are just too cool to talk to you.

Oh no, I know a dirty word

- like the first time you say ‘fuck’ and the impact it has. You’re this really quiet guy and they think you don’t think, about anything. At a party. You feel like a kid all over again who has discovered a new word.

Hello,Hello,Hello, Hello, How low
- you’re this really quiet guy, you say hello and people ignore you. It feels like you say it a hundred times

- how low. It means two things, how low do you want the lights. There was a party in Olympia and they are debating how low to have the lights, for like half an hour. Everything takes that long to decide. And how low it’s a saying in Olympia. How low = how low do you want me to go?!You’re degrading me. Sex is a degradation of women there.

With the lights out it’s less dangerous

- at parties turn the lights down you wander around feeling stupid bumping into people drunk and not having a good time. It’s esoteric and philosophical that’s Olympia all over.

Also you have sex for the first time with the lights down, with your duffel coat on, you just want to leave

It feels less dangerous because it’s dark it doesn’t feel good just less like you are going to get caught out for not enjoying yourself

Here we are now entertain us

- you start turning up to parties and they ignore you everyone knows everyone else this is your ice breaker

I feel stupid and contagious

- you feel like a contagion they’re all so cliqued out and esoteric and ‘hipster’ like The Simpsons Ned Flanders having his Yoko moment when his parents raised him. They all grow up to be conservative after feigning pretence of liberal. and their liberal discussions.

A mullatto

- this guy calls you a mullatto and gets a laugh you scowl at him

An albino
A mosquito

- you’re an annoyance there like a mosquito

My libido

- you have one they don’t seem to think you do they don’t even think of you like a person

I’m worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blest

- it’s worse than being in Aberdeen I feel even worse here in Olympia and it was supposed to be better and that’s the only thing I’m good at feeling isolated
It’s sarcastic :it’s not a gift and you don’t feel blessed and you don’t know what God put you on the earth for you just feel awkward.

Our little group has always been and alway will until the end

- Olympia with its cliques they think they will be BFFs

And I forget just why I taste

- seminal fluid does it taste ok

Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile

- the first time you get a blow job, out of Olympia

I found it hard

- before the first time you have sex in Olympia you have sex in Aberdeen, you’re hard but…

It’s hard to find

- it’s midafternoon, you can barely see because the sun sets early in Aberdeen and you don’t want to turn on the lights. You can’t get inside her.

Oh well, whatever, never mind

- you shrug it off but you feel stupid

A denial!

- you feel denied, in every sense, as a person

You should be the person you want to be, but you’re not in the place where you can be they’re judging you all the time.

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