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Bombay Bicycle Club – Lights Out, Words Gone Lyrics 9 years ago
@[flowjy:4307] "let me be the the one, to go on, to go on"

Incubus – Absolution Calling Lyrics 9 years ago
Lucid dreaming. I see this as being about Lucid dreaming

Incubus – Martini Lyrics 9 years ago
Any body know how this song came about originally. I know Monuments and Melodies had a bunch of old, unreleased songs, or region specific songs, but this is one I truly can't find anything on.

Incubus – Anything Lyrics 9 years ago
If you do a little digging, and look at the live albums that they have from way back, you'll notice that this song has been around since 2003/2004 ish, or, around the time of Crow. Before work really began on A Crow Left Of The Murder, incubus as a band was having legal battles with their current record company, which, incubus didn't think was paying them enough, so they sued. I believe the dispute was settled out of court (check the incubus Wikipedia article, as it explains it better).
But because this song was written around then, I feel like it could be about that legal battle. He's feels "cheaper than usual" because the company isn't making him feel like all his work is worth anything. And the line about less conscious only meaning more gold (money), seems to tie in a lot more to my interpretation.

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