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The Afters – Summer Again Lyrics 9 years ago
What I read into this song is the following:

It is a lament of a guy who is watching a girl give into a relationship with another man which includes a sexual component. The song writer uses an extended metaphor in which he relates her to the seasons.

The green giving into gold, summer into October, leaves falling and "kissing" the ground are all part of the extended metaphor comparing the estrangement in their relationship and her temptation to the physical relationship to the physical seasons.

He is lamenting her change and estrangement so much, it feels like she becomes another person as she gives into this physical relationship. He longs to be with "summer" again, meaning she becomes another person who is colder, or colder towards him.

This extended metaphor could have come about because they are childhood friends and she (or both) go off to college in the autumn and it's like she becomes a different person. But in the summer she is back to the person he knows.

For me, and knowing this song is written by a christian group, I can see our relationship with Christ pictured in the song and our spiritual infidelity with him as we draw farther away and get entangled by the things of the world. He is longing for us to come back to him and escape those things which ultimately do not fill us or meet our hearts true needs (the cold winter).

Throughout the song there is a confidence in the return of summer ("this winter won't last"), the return of faithfulness, and I can only suspect that this is Christian confidence in the restorative power of Jesus, not just a seasonal cycle.

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