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A Great Big World – Say Something Lyrics 9 years ago

A Great Big World – Say Something Lyrics 9 years ago
So, thick and thin of it, this is where it applied to my personal life. Earlier this year, my 8 year old was singing this in the shower...said he heard mommy singing it. Of course, I got addicted to held something over me. In May, my wife left me for another man...and then came back. But, the damage was done. And, by this point, because of my pride, because I loved her so much but was so hurt, I needed something from her, an apology, an explanation, a promise, a sign that things were going to be okay.

I ended up doing a cover of it on YouTube because here I was laying my heart out there with nothing but silence in return. At one point, I remember spilling my guts out telling her that I would try if she would. She looked at the floor in a blank stare...and, I said, "Just say...something."

Eventually, we filed for divorce, the love, the trust, the spark of 13 died somewhere, somehow. So this song, is a "final" love song. It is saying, "Hey, I'm not perfect. But, my love for you is. If you'll just help me fly the plane, we can get through this storm. But, you've got to participate. And, if you don't...if you sit there in silence, that says that you've given up. And, maybe I should too."

Every week, I get this song requested by someone in audience...and, every week I sing it...but, the pain, the heartbreak, the memories associated to this song will never change.

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