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Dream Theater – In the Name of God Lyrics 9 years ago
@[JeffGodofBiscuits:2086] yes that's correct its not about religion being bad its about what you said, people manipulating it and turning it into a bad thing. I try to tell people this stuff all the time and they just don't listen, it is not Christianity's fault or any single Christians fault that some loser a long time ago was killing int he name of god, especially when god dosent endorse such a thing.

Dream Theater – Scarred Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Thunderbolt:296] That's not it. He isn't talking to god especially when the lines: "Believe will always save me" and "People in prayer for me". This about a different incident that is actually point blank obvious When he says: "Thirty Years says were in this together" this isnt about doubting god, its about doubting a spouse or a wife other wise he wouldnt say "Open your eyes" or Believe will always save me". These lines sound like a married couple where one of the partners is very blind to the pain that He/She is causing the other: You tell me I'm wrong
I'm risking my life
Still, I have nothing in return
I show you my hands
You don't see the scars
Maybe you'll leave me here to burn
But the best idea is that this character is going through diseases/cancer and depression him. plus john petrucci, the writer, is a practicing Catholic, so why would he write a song about some doubting god?

Dream Theater – Scarred Lyrics 9 years ago
@[OctaVariuM8:295] That sounds more reasonable. The part where it says "Belief will always save me" also enhances that with a touch of religious faith that he ,The narrator, Believes will save him. He is not alone thought As heard hear: People in prayer for me
Everyone there for me
Sometimes I feel I should face this alone
My soul exposed
It calms me to know that I won't. There are other people there praying for his well being and being their for him but the wife part does completely make sense

Dream Theater – Scarred Lyrics 9 years ago
I really think that this song isn't about "God" but about some one with a strong religious believe that they cling too after being scarred from something, like a really bad relation ship as heard hear:
"You say you want everyone happy
Well, we're not laughing"
"And how come you don't understand me?
And how come I don't understand you?
THIRTY years say we're in this together
So open your eyes."
When petrucci wrights: THIRTY years say we're in this together
So open your eyes." it sounds like a couple who have been married 30 years and one of them is unaware of His/Her actions, which, in this context would be a negative thing. That part is opened when the lines "Open our eyes" are herd. plus latter in this song we hear a line that says: "Belief will always save me" which really does put it plainly that the character is religious. These lines here:People in prayer for me
Everyone there for me
Sometimes I feel I should face this alone
My soul exposed
It calms me to know that I won't, also signify that the character is religious and has religious friends who are all there for him in the dark times coming from the title of the song "scarred" meaning that this person had recently been hurt (obviously). You cant really be scarred by god if you believe in him in a positive sense. Then to tie it all together, The writer ,John Petrucci, is a practicing Catholic and shows it in other songs like voices and the spirit carries on.

Dream Theater – Pull Me Under Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is about hamlet and the struggles in his mind do to the thought of revenge being urged to him by his fathers ghost. its also about revenge and how some people are not afraid to go to hell for it that's why they keep saying pull me under im not afraid. hamlet is not afraid to be pulled down to hell for his actions and thatch also why the sacred heart of Jesus is shown in the video and you can see a sparrow swooping in to catch it on the front cover of the album. the heart outside this song is a symbol of dream theaters devotion towards Christ and its also in relation to them. The heart strength and endurance represent the passion and life the band had to over come obstacles showing the barbwire or thrones.

Dream Theater – Pull Me Under Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is about hamlet and the struggles in his mind do to the thought of revenge being urged to him by his fathers ghost. its also about revenge and how some people are not afraid to go to hell for it that's why they keep saying pull me under im not afraid. hamlet is not afraid to be pulled down to hell for his actions and thatch also why the sacred heart of Jesus is shown in the video and you can see a sparrow swooping in to catch it on the front cover of the album. the heart outside this song is a symbol of dream theaters devotion towards Christ and its also in relation to them. The heart strength and endurance represent the passion and life the band had to over come obstacles showing the barbwire or thrones.

Dream Theater – Metropolis, Pt. 1: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" Lyrics 10 years ago
yeah that's what DT intended

Dream Theater – Metropolis, Pt. 1: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" Lyrics 10 years ago
not to seem rude but , i dont think its about discarding a religion i think its about his being told about many different ones and that eventually goes on o use one and that instead is discarding his old thoughts on life with out religion as sung here: As a child, I thought I could live without pain, without sorrow
As a man, I've found it's all caught up with me
I'm asleep, yet I'm so afraid. he finally realized that he was living the life of a fool who thought that it would best to take o the game of life on his own with out believing in anything or with respecting other ideas. i get this understanding from the way the song is sung and in the way that he sings about living with out pain and being almost independent compared to the rest of those who he lived with.

Dream Theater – Metropolis, Pt. 1: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" Lyrics 10 years ago
not to seem rude but , i dont think its about discarding a religion i think its about his being told about many different ones and that eventually goes on o use one and that instead is discarding his old thoughts on life with out religion as sung here: As a child, I thought I could live without pain, without sorrow
As a man, I've found it's all caught up with me
I'm asleep, yet I'm so afraid. he finally realized that he was living the life of a fool who thought that it would best to take o the game of life on his own with out believing in anything or with respecting other ideas.

Dream Theater – Metropolis, Pt. 1: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" Lyrics 10 years ago
I think the song is about someones dark past about a death and the need for an understanding leading to their religious awakening and how they found love in some one and in god. The first area is death which could have been a loved one or some family who he or she had grew up with under a different religious understanding or even an anti religious one. after this death there is a need for an answer to know what will happen after death. so this character abandons his life is other family his friends and even his old believes, that being deceit. then he finally finds love and an understanding when he meets metropolis who is either his love or an angel, their is also the idea that this character is about to die him self and he finally finds a reason to accept this death. the area where its stayed 'somewhere like a scene of a memory, their is a picture of a thousand words'. This could be a place in time and space where the memories that we have are recorded and that each memory gather to paint a picture of the sum of you and your being on earth, and in all idea, its gods intentions and his envision meant of you with idea of your creation, just like a master painter and his finest painting.

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