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Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 7 years ago
@[herr_gazebo:15202] Brilliant analysis. But in the end, you have to choose between dying on your feet or living on your knees. The protagonist chose the former. I suspect most young men in the south would have taken the same course.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
Look. I wish people would read the damn lyrics. The bullets hit the docks before he fired a shot. Just read it.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
I think you're bang on. People keep referencing specific wars, or historical events - he's really describing the protagonist's crucial moment in his life, where he passes from boyhood to manhood by being the responsible one and protecting his family from those who, it is quite obvious, wish to do them harm.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
Neil made the historical situation very general because it's not a war song. It's a song about stepping up to protect your family because everyone else has abdicated the role and paying the price. It's about manhood.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
Disagree. Yes, we were born to die, but before dying, we become men. That's what this boy did at 22, putting his whole family on his back and facing down the authorities.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
You hit the Neil on the head.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
No, it wouldn't be wrong, but it would not be any less wrong to say "Everybody knows this is Nowhere" is he best Neil album.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
This was all live, too. Freaking amazing guitar work.

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
I think Leefroy is taking too narrow a view. This experience is universal, whether it's the RCMP, the Coast Guard, Yankee soldiers burning down Atlanta, or William B. Travis at the Alamo. It is describing when a child became a man. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Neil Young – Powderfinger Lyrics 10 years ago
Disagree. I think the lyrics, while they may describe a particular historical event or era, are much more general and encompassing. Neil was using a specific external situation to posit a more universal internal experience. I know what being 22 and not knowing what to do is like. So does everyone else.

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