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Bastille – These Streets Lyrics 10 years ago
To me, this song could be one of two things.

One - Literally streets that the couple walked upon, filled with memories, until they argued there and "stained these walls With our mistakes and flaws". In the argument, the guy was wrong, or sad something, and he regrets it, because "These streets are yours, you can keep them, I don't want them. They pull me back, and I surrender To the memories I run from." He's running away from the memories almost with his tail between his legs, "I won't show my face here anymore" because he's embarrassed, ashamed, of what he's done.

Or two - 'These streets' are a metaphor for all their memories together. Again, he made such a mistake that he doesn't want to remember any of them, "All that's left behind Is a shadow on my mind" - he trying to forget the memories, or repress them.

Either he hurt her, or they mutually departed from a destructive relationship, or she hurt him. Either way it was messy and painful, and he doesn't want to remember the time the had together.

Bastille – Sleepsong Lyrics 10 years ago
Seconded, I believe this song is about when we don't talk to strangers because we hear so much about 'stranger danger' that we're scared of what could happen. However, because we don't talk to anyone, 'the hole you impose upon your life' is the hole that a stranger is supposed to fill, somebody new, 'someone to whom you can cling'.

Thinking about it, Sleepsong could be about how we're too scared to enter a relationship because of 'the dangers they might bring', ie, heartbreak, cheating, yet our 'waking world have slowly come undone' because of how we 'go to sleep on your own' and we're terrified of 'being alone'. It's a cycle of angst, we're scared to meet any 'strangers' yet we're scared of 'being alone'.

It's a no-win scenario, basically a song telling us to have a relationship before we 'come undone' from our 'last resort' of 'being alone'.

Bastille – Overjoyed Lyrics 10 years ago
I think this song is about having a friend with depression. He can see her 'lean towards despair', and she relishes in the depression because 'any given opportunity you're there'. I think he sees how her behaviour is dangerous, and she's self-destructive, so he tries to help and talk to her about it, therefore when she does listen to what he has to say, he is 'overjoyed'.

Bastille – Of the Night Lyrics 10 years ago
I think this song is about a man who is trying to feel the love from someone who won't give him it. I imagine it as the person he loves is on drugs/parties all the time/has depression, and the only time she'll be close to him, and show him love, is when she's listening to music, because A. If it's drugs, then when she's listening to music she imagines that everybody is connected through the beat and she feels more open with him because of the connection. B. When she's partying and is drunk, his normally introverted lover becomes more open with her feelings. Or C. Music is escapism from the depression, and through the escapism she can forget all the bad things and just focus on the happier thoughts.

Either way, I see it as the music is something that helps her open up and give him the love he's looking for. I don't think it's a happy song, purely because of

"Won't you teach me how to love and learn? There'll be nothing left for me to yearn. Think of me and burn and let me hold your hand. I don't want to face the world in tears. Please think again I'm on my knees." because he is literally begging her to give him love, to show him some type of affection.

Bastille – Durban Skies Lyrics 10 years ago
I never knew that omg

Bastille – Albatross Lyrics 10 years ago
Living with depression/regret because they can't forgive themselves for something they've done.

Bastille – The Draw Lyrics 10 years ago
I interpreted this song as being about mental illness, particularly depression.

They have the choice of the 'familiar', continuing in their depressed state, and the 'great unknown', which is trying to get better, but trying to get better could make them worse before they succeed.

'Don't listen to your friends' this whole verse is fantastic, the contradiction of 'see the despair behind their eyes', and 'they only care and want to know why'. It shows how their friends are worried, but then it suggests that the friends are only worried because there's some big gossipy detail they don't know, and they just 'want to know why'. It completely downplays the friends' concern, and that's like the paranoia nagging at the back of your mind; you can't talk to them, they just want to know because it's some scandal.

The chorus of 'the draw'; the depression, those bad thoughts 'pulling me back'. Here he's facing his choice, he could try to get better, but he has 'the draw' 'pulling me back'. The repetition shows how it's there constantly, and its like he's winding himself as he's thinking about it. He's aware that it's there, and he's panicking, because he's losing a battle he's not even decided to fight yet.

Then you have the next verse, and this one is as if he's hit rock bottom. He's realised that he's 'drifting', he knows he scared of 'words that they might say', but in the end he's more 'scared of being left behind', and this is the turning point. This is the point at which he decides to fight, because he's too scared to carry on and let himself become worse.

At which point, he sees his friends for what they've really been trying to do. 'Just listen to your friends... they only care and hope you're alright'. He's telling himself, reassuring himself; you can do this, listen to them, they're there and they care.

The draw's still pulling him, it always will do, but now it's different; he's decided to fight and he knows he's not alone. The draw's pulling him back, but his friends are pulling him forward. He can fight this, and he can overcome it.

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