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Mountain – Nantucket Sleigh Ride Lyrics 10 years ago
At this point in the song they are out at sea, and my take of the fast drum beats is they are dealing with storms and heavy seas and the rigors of sailing. Then we get this musical interlude with a different nature, like he's dreaming of being elsewhere.

My take is, the flying willow branches are some type of whip and he and maybe others are getting spurred to row faster. He's afraid and hurting and he starts disassociating with his body. He imagines his soul, at peace within, someplace far away, but his body is split off so it's not even his body at this point.

The reeds are bagpipes (which have reeds built into them). Bagpipes and drums are traditional at funerals, and this line is him fantasizing about his death, where he's lying on the soft sheets of a coffin, and the bagpipes and drums are laying down their tunes on him.

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