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Monster Magnet – Black Balloon Lyrics 10 years ago
To me this song is pretty much along the same lines as Robert Johnson's song Crossroads. Selling your soul to Satan to be a rock star and Satan coming to collect). The "black balloon" is a metaphor to having something in one instance and then losing it all in the end.

Verse 1 is about this person having a reunion with Satan but not recognizing him (Hey man what's your name? I've seen your face always before) until Satan reminds him that he sold his soul to become a rock star to which jogs the guy's memory (tapped into a cosmic fame and got the gig I was looking for)

Verse 2 is the temptation and supply of drugs (Hungry? That's no drag. it's nothing that a "trip" won't cure) and groupies and fans (completion is in "that bag" i.e. his music, and the selfish crowd comes back for more)

Chorus 1 is when this person begins to notice how his "black balloon" is wearing him down through the sex, drugs, and rock n roll lifestyle.

Verse 3 is the guy breaking free from his lifestyle (Hey babe I'm out of the cage) and becoming reclusive (behind some glass, miles away) and his regrets of selling his soul to Satan for the fame and fortune of rock stardom (so sue me for being too cool, I hate myself for "wanting to play" i.e. his music

Chorus 2 is pretty much a just a reinforcement/extension of verse 3. The man realizing what a mistake he had done with selling his soul (I guess what they say about karma is true) Satan collecting it and his "black balloon" of what he had before (being a rock star with access to every earthly delight available) was long gone.

This is one of my favorite songs and the first I ever learned how to play.

Monster Magnet – Ozium Lyrics 10 years ago
It's about having sex while on LSD

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