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Temple of the Dog – Call Me A Dog Lyrics 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure he where its written "You say it's bad luck to have fallen for me" he actually says "Its such bad luck to have fallen for me". The only reason I bring this up is because I believe it adds so much more to the song. It is probably my favorite line in the song and listening to it I really can't hear it any other way

The Shins – Girl On The Wing Lyrics 10 years ago
I think the biggest line that stuck out to me was "and though the comedy softens the fall, we still fall short" accompanied with other lyrics within the song I feel like this song is about two people who want to be together but it just doesn't work. Throughout this song it just sounds like them talking about love, but how wrong they are for each other. And the reason I brought up the previous lyric was because it made me think of failing relationships in my life. Where you can pretend things are good with laughter and jokes, but in the end it doesn't really change the fact that it doesn't work.

Iron & Wine – Belated Promise Ring Lyrics 11 years ago
I'm really surprised no one else has posted my theory. I believe this song is about his daughter. Firstly he calls her "My Rebecca" which I hear as him talking about his daughter more than a lover. This continues by saying that his Mom said Rebecca is as stubborn as they come, as little girls often are. Throughout this verse he talks about the timble and the open door and I take those as childish mistakes but learning from them as in his daughter is getting older. With the line "My Rebecca says she never wants a boy" I take that as a young daughter saying she isn't interested in boys, again as young girls do. He then says "I may find her by the phone but with a fashion magazine" and I don't really need to explain why that is like a teenage girl. The next line he says "She may kiss me when her girlfriends leave again" which also reminds me of how a Father would think/ how a teenage daughter would act. Then when he talks about her wearing his mother's pearls, I take that as his daughter inheriting a family heirloom. Later on when he says "My Rebecca says she knew I'd want a boy" I take that as a older daughter with possibly a poor relationship with her father telling him that she knew that he wanted a son instead of her. And for the finale "Time may give you more than your poor bones could ever take" This just stood out to me as something a parent would say about having a child and the hardships that come with it. This line is repeated throughout the whole song. Also the line "I don't think I could ever love another girl" could either mean he will never love anyone as much as his daughter, or he is too busy being a Dad to be falling in love. So in conclusion I believe this song is about a Father (Possibly single Father) raising a daughter and the difficulties that come with it.

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