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Metric – Breathing Underwater Lyrics 11 years ago
I think this song is about the band's success. "Breathing Underwater" means achieving what everyone thought was impossible.

"I'm the blade, you're the knife / I'm the wind, you're the kite"
This is band talking to their fans, saying that one doesn't work without the other. The band got to where they are because of their fan base, and they make the music that their fans love so dearly.

"Out of place all the time / In a world that wasn't mine to take"
The band is constantly on the move, doing tours and interviews. They never expected to be so successful.

"Is this my life? / Am I breathing underwater?"
There is a note of happy incredulousness here. They are ecstatic they made it this far, achieved the impossible.

"They were right when they said we should never meet our heroes / When they bow at their feet, in the end it wasn't me"
This part's a bit tricky. Perhaps they're saying that, in order to stay original, to be 'Metric,' they couldn't become their heroes.

"Lights of days will beat a path through the mirrored maze / I can see the end but it hasn't happened yet"
The road the band's taken through the music industry -- all the failures, all the successes -- is long and winding and, at times, confusing. The memories and hopes are what guide them through that maze. And they know that they can't keep doing this forever, but they choose to live for now and savor it while it lasts.

The reason I interpret it this way is because, if you watch the music video, it's distinctly triumphant; there's no hint at a relationship between a couple. It's pure happiness, and it's the band doing what they do best.

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