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Son Lux – Wither Lyrics 7 years ago
This is a precatory song; meaning that it's meant as a curse towards enemies of God: "the one who saves you." Very powerful in its simplicity, message and melody.

Son Lux – Stand Lyrics 10 years ago
Powerful. Mind blowing. Amazing. True. This tune with its simple yet profound lyrics may just make you fall on your face.

David Bazan – Bearing Witness Lyrics 10 years ago
The thoughts expressed here (in the comments) are a dramatic example of how people can all see the same thing but their interpretations can widely vary.

I believe Bazan is making an observation about how faith needs to manifest itself in order for a person to be a positive influence on those around him. There is nothing in the song that explicitely discounts or denies a Christian worldview. The ideas expressed in this song, rather, can depict a very mature faith. A mature faith acknowledges just how vast is the amount that we DON'T KNOW.

So everyone who thinks this tune is about how Bazan has "outgrown" or "moved on" from his Christainity, keep listening and know that the opposite is probably true.

Son Lux – Betray Lyrics 10 years ago
I absolutely think that Ryan Lott could be referencing Judas specifically in this song. The question we must ask ourselves is how do we relate to Judas, both as individuals and collectively as a body of believers.

Did God reach down and save Judas from eternal damnation? We don't know and therefore all glory remains rightly with God. The same is true for each of us. While we are offered salvation through faith alone, God's soveriegnty is never placed in doubt due to our choices.

Kevin Drew – Love Vs. Porn Lyrics 10 years ago
Amazing what Kevin Drew puts down here in these lyrics. The heart of a person is slowly destroyed both literally and in their spirit by porn and masturbation. We have opened our doors wide to sadness and early death in the name of pleasure, inhibition, freedom of speech, and high download speeds.

It's good to see Kevin Drew honestly and artistically ring this warning bell.

Iron & Wine – Die Lyrics 10 years ago
Totally agree with your sentiment here, Sam. Although I might not limit the allusions to just American style racism and manifest destiny. The kind of modern day view of ourselves as being above certain sins or misteps of our past is the essence of this beautifully sad song. It will be... and it is our undoing. Acknowleding the finality and the completeness of death is a hard thing to do, and it is popular to live these days as though Death is NOT just around the corner. Death and suffering is swept under the rug throughout American society and this is very hard on those who are suffering or preparing to die.

Son Lux – Alternate World Lyrics 10 years ago
Ryan Lott delivers again on his promise to make us think about the nature of reality by laying down simple lyrics with an amazing tune.

Judeo-Christain scripture is a narrative of an alternate world; one from which humans were bannished at the begining of history. Our theology and doctrine as human beings determine how we think of and relate to this alternate world, weather we admit to giving it thought or not. There are strong hints in Lott's lyrics as to what orthodox Christian theology teaches, and it has the power to change the life of one willing to listen.

Let Son Lux's music take you to a place where serious reflection and thought happen.

Son Lux – Raise Lyrics 10 years ago
The challenge has been taken up and fulfilled. If you did indeed create us, and if you did indeed rise from the dead, then I have no choice but to follow and worship.

Son Lux – Break Lyrics 10 years ago
Hey Jason.. I was wondering if you'd had a chance to read the story of the prostitute that was rescued from being stoned to death. You can find the story in John chapter 8. You're absolutely right about the way that Lott has captured this incredible story. In its simplicity, the gospel overwhelms us and leaves us speachless...

Son Lux – Betray Lyrics 11 years ago
This song puts into simple terms the relationship between Jesus and the church.

Son Lux – Weapons Lyrics 11 years ago
The key, I believe, to interpretting this song is in his song, Break.

Son Lux – Leave the Riches Lyrics 11 years ago
Son Lux communicates the deepest possible thoughts while using only a few words. Words that are loaded with meaning for Christians and those with knowledge of holy scriptures jump from this piece and send the listener to levels of meditative reflection that are normally hard to attain. The incredible musical techniques poured out for the listener in this piece make it extremely pleasant to experience.

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