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In Extremo – Krummavisur Lyrics 10 years ago
sorry, english isnt my mother tongue. haha
Yeah, next time I see him I think I will. :)

In Extremo – Krummavisur Lyrics 10 years ago
as in forgetting about him? because I can't. He works at my local library, I have seen him there maybe three times and all of the time he's been checking me out. Very subtly but I notice shit like that because I'm almost 22 and have never had a single boyfriend in my life. I have never exchanged eyes with someone like him before. it caught me totally off guard and I havent been able to let him go from my mind since.
I'm contemplating leaving him a note with a couple of words and my number. Ive tried talking but theres always a lot of people and this library is not a good conversation starter place.
I feel stupid even writing this. Most people would have forgotten about something like this after a couple of hours but here I am two months later..
It must mean something, no?

Band of Horses – The General Specific Lyrics 10 years ago
I am sensing a play on "The pacific ocean" here. Their moving, which the song(at least my interpretation) is about, from the pacific northwest to south carolina which is by the other ocean, "The general specific"
pacific, specific...

Real Estate – Municipality Lyrics 11 years ago
although traveling is great and you get to see a lot of new and cool stuff, that's not the life you live everyday, it's often very hasty. you meet people, leave them, you see things, leave them and so it goes. Back home, back in your everyday life, that's where your heart lies, the people you know, the things you know. All of the people and all of the small moments in your everyday life means so much more than one thinks.

(Sorry for bad english, I tried my best)

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