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The Smiths – The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Lyrics 11 years ago
First of all, this song has nothing to do with child abuse or molestation. What is portrayed is a person who fathered a child (probably out of wedlock) and at the time was not in love with the woman and did not want the baby. Once the child is born he sees it and still refuses to believe that he has any feelings for the child, even refusing to ask for a name or give the child his own name. However, he eventually gives into his instincts and is drawn back like a moth to a flame to take care of the child and even defend it against any and all manner of ill will. He describes such fears that often torment a young child such as ghosts, monsters and even the thought of bad people getting them which is often contained in eerie children's lullubies, that might be called "blood on the cleaver tonight" and played on a piano and sung to children. This reference serves a dual purpose of explaining that there will be bad things that happen at night such as murder, but the father will be there at night to sooth the child from bad thoughts and at dawn continuing to protect the child.

What the mother would never know is how the father really does not care for her. He did his best to show that he does, but he simply is not in love. There is no romance between them. Nevertheless, as long as his hand rocks the cradle (as long as he is involved with the child) the child will be thoroughly protected.

Ultimately, despite the possibility of lovelessness between the parents, there remains an absolute and unconditional love for the child and the father sweetly conveys that message.

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