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The Kinks – The Village Green Preservation Society Lyrics 11 years ago
In order for this song to be ironic the Kinks would have to be opposed to things which it would be appalling to be opposed to. Do you honestly think any Englishman, inhabitant of a small island ever on the brink of foreign occupation, would write a song ironically smearing George Cross winners. It is a shame that mediocrities like Stewart and Colbert have so poisoned the second-hand minds of college students that they are no longer capable of distinguishing irony from light-heartedness.

Vampire Weekend – Ya Hey Lyrics 11 years ago
"It basically seems" and "this is most certainly" are clauses with basically identical meaning so am I correct in assuming you are indeed Ezra Koening. If so, I apologize. Otherwise, let's agree that we are both equally presumptuous. Of course you also think God was being pretentious during Exodus 3:14 so maybe you throw p words around a little too much.

Regina Spektor – Laughing With Lyrics 11 years ago
Good point bavol only Christians can be hypocritical. The idea that this song is targeted at Christians seems kind of silly. What kind of Christian is going to laugh at a God themed joke? The target of this song is precisely those, I will call them Deists but that isn't really a good term,who aren't religious until something bad happens. If you go to church every Sunday, you may be a hypocrite, you may even be a horrible person, but this song isn't addressed to you because you take faith seriously enough to not only think of God in desperate situations. This song is an extended take on the "there are no atheists in a foxhole" saying. Indeed, she paraphrases that saying in this song.

This song speaks directly to the I'm not religious, but I am spiritual set. That is likely what Spektor considers herself. As such this song is probably targeted at her own frailty along with a general human frailty. Just because you don't like Christians doesn't mean every pop cultural product exists to further your malice.

Vampire Weekend – Ya Hey Lyrics 11 years ago
I am genuinely confused by the inability of many secularists to understand that sometimes people, even people whose music you like, examine issues dealing with faith and God in a positive manner. It is quite obvious that your intrepretation is completely at odds with the actual lyrics of the song. Indeed, mostlyghost, whom you start your comment agreeing with, has correctly interpreted the song. The song is not mocking god but asking God how he can continue to seek mankind's love after all we have done. There are certainly songs on the album that are confrontational towards God, like Unbelievers, but this is most certainly not one.

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