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Ozzy Osbourne – See You On The Other Side Lyrics 3 years ago
Sad but melancholy tune. One of his best. Ozzy one of rocks greatest. Could be about any one of us. All of us have at least one person whom to which we would be missed. All of Gods children can potentially be seen on the other side. Its up to us to make it to heaven and our decisions in life determine that solely. Thank you Ozzy for all the great music.

Foreigner – Starrider Lyrics 6 years ago
This song is awesome. Too short though. Funny how Foreigners first 4-5 albims were so cool, then they got kinda boring and repetitive. I love the beginning of the song. It makes me think of Aliens. Like they are the starriders. Then they land on earth. And then they haul ass when they figure out they can’t trust humans. This would be a good song to play on the way to heaven. Comeon. Someone else comment on this trippindicular song please.

Stone Temple Pilots – Still Remains Lyrics 6 years ago
@[Sour:25155] Girl @[Sour:25155] Girl very well written and well received. I miss Scott. He was super talented. Just a little too on the edge. Stardom does wierd things to people but love is universal. When I hear this song now that he passed it has a sadness to it I didn’t feel before. Its sad they split and its sad hes dead. Love is so awesome and so terrible. How can something be both? Not many things in this world compare to love. We all need to love one another considering we are all similar. We are all human beings.

Black Sabbath – Hand Of Doom Lyrics 6 years ago
Whats the skin turns green part about?

Soundgarden – Burden in My Hand Lyrics 6 years ago
@[varangianguard:23283] I'm not in agreement that he held much of a religeous belief. We suffer on earth and we are at God"s mercy. Had he begun attending church regularly the chance he would have ingested so many drugs at the same time would have been less. Depressants make people kill themselves. He knew the drugs were changing his thinking and God would have given him a heads up that he needs to stop takimg all pharmaceuticals to live as normal life as possible after all the street drugs he took. But he chose to believe a doctor (glorified drug dealer) and believed RX meds were the answer. You cant take a double dose of antidepressants when you are feeling extra depressed. It works the opposite actually. Take a double dose of pharmacuticals and feel twice as bad. What no one can answer here is did he go to hell. Poeple believe we are forgiven all our sins. But no one really knows if someone that kills themself can still go to heaven. I hope he did. Google his photo and see what you think. He looks kinda evil eventhough he was so talented. And people that kill themselves cause other people to kill themselves. So him being so worshipped after his own suicide is rediculous. No one that conmmits suicide should be worhipped. They should be condemned as the most selfish people that ever existed. He has kids. Shameful. I love him as a poet. As a musician. As a singer. But I never worshipped him or anyone else other than God. Woshipping actors and singers etc. is destoying the moral fabric of our society. As great a man he was in some respects, the way he left earth was a joke. Addiction can be oversome by anyone. He is no different. He could have straigned up but he didnt. His wife wants to sue the RX companies. She is wasting her time. He could have quit everything if he really wanted to. Anyone can overcome any addiction. Its one thousand times harder without the assistance of God almighty and Jesus Christ. Too many people live their lives as their own God and it will never work that way. How hard is it to have faith and prey? Why does prayer actually work? How are poor people happy? God is real thats why. God exists and Jesus Christ exists. Back to the author of this post. All was spot on. He was an addict and knew it. It took over his life and it never stopped controlling him. Drug addiction and alcoholism are destroying our country one rock star at a time. Are you a rock star? Ask God for forgiveness and quit pretending any human being can be a God. We will all be judged one day and hell is filling up with Americans. Repend and trust in the Lord. Everything happens for a reason. Ours is not to judge. We are all here by His grace and we all luve in his playground. Be a good sport and deal with the life you are given. Help out other people and care about each other as compatriots and have compassion. Never take vengeance on others. And please remember judgement day awaits us all and no one is exempt. BTW none of those people you mention are prophets. They are simply humans no better and no different than you or me.

Journey – Only The Young Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is a refection of how in life when we are young that we are the ones that truely make things happen. Our needs, wants and desires mold who we will become. And decisions made around 18-21 years old are a reflection of our place in society and moreso, of who our parents and teachers have help us evolve into. Many of our decisions at this stage of life are based upon values directly received from our mom and dad. And mistakes we make around this age can be blamed on our upbringing. For me it is a refection of a love lost, due to a lack or resposibility and to alcoholism. As I get older I still blame myself, but I also blame my lovers parents and societies influence to drink, even underage.

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