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Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – Our Hell Lyrics 10 years ago
I think "our hell is a good life" is all about how we desensitize horrible things and delude ourselves into believing that the awful things in life are trumped by material luxury.
"what a thought it was, it isn't now" is kind of a build up of the ending part, hinting that something or somebody's thoughts no longer exist.
"there's a pattern in the system" this may be the pattern of delusions and forced happiness, related to our hell being a good life.
"there's a bullet in the gun
that's why I tried to save you
but it can't be done
it can't be done"
relating to the one person who defected from the pattern in the system, that one who no longer holds thoughts, committing suicide, and the singer claiming that she tried to save this person, knowing in the end that it cannot be done. Suicide is not 100% curable.
I'm also pretty sure that I'm completely wrong after reading all of the other comments or I may be biased.
Thank for reading my comment, regardless.

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