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Air – Wonder Milky Bitch Lyrics 28 days ago
I used to think he said "on the milky beach" and imagined it was about an island paradise.

Tom Waits – Widow's Grove Lyrics 1 year ago
A pretty straightforward murder ballad albeit with very poetic and romantic imagery.

Soundgarden – Like Suicide Lyrics 1 year ago
Bitter and deeper with Chris's death.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Sick Love Lyrics 1 year ago
As mentioned this reflects Kiedis' own relationship with the way-too-young Aussie model, but this can definitely be enjoyed on a more abstract and general level. After making it through a stormy online relationship of several years with a mentally ill girl, a lot of these lyrics hit home for me too.

Andrew W.K. – Remember Your Oath Lyrics 2 years ago
Would like to hear some thoughts on this song and album in general.
It feels like a song about the struggles to keep our demons at bay but comments about serving someone as the path to salvation puts a different meaning to it. It's a spiritual message but I wonder what kind of spirit Andrew keeps invoking. His lyrics make me wonder if he's a Satanist.

Radiohead – Glass Eyes Lyrics 7 years ago
The final lyric is "I feel this love to the core."

Radiohead – Desert Island Disk Lyrics 7 years ago
I consider this to be about Thom Yorke ending his old romantic relationship and starting a new one, as he did around the time of the album's conception. It's about coming out of a dark time scarred and changed but fully healed and on to new things.

Radiohead – Let Down Lyrics 7 years ago
A lot has been said about this song and me adding whatever meaning I have for it feels like pissing in the ocean at this point. I just don't feel anything uplifting about this song and those who do are grasping for it. The central portion is not "I'm gonna grow wings," it's "let down and hanging around, crushed like a bug in the ground," it's about being in an absolute pit and finding profundity in that. The "wings" part to me speaks of a protagonist who is wistful about "one day" rising out of his hole and finding his way back to a functional life but at the moment simply not being there.
On another note, lets not forget this song follows Exit Music, which is complete depressing rock-bottom (it may be an exit music for a film, but it can also be seen as an exit to life, a suicide song). This song is extreme and an outburst compared to Exit Music, perhaps it is the first breath of new life after overcoming suicidal tendencies and coming to terms with the awfulness of whatever the protagonist is going through, a way of assessing the damage (shell's smashed, juices flowing, wings twitch, legs are going). This song might be the first step out of a deep pit, but it's still inside it, well and truly.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Water's Edge Lyrics 9 years ago
With this being a Cave song I imagine the song to be much more morose and grim.
It might just be a simple scenario of a group of girls, naive and carefree, thinking they're alone, set upon by a group of horny teenagers, raped, perhaps even killed. The bodies coming apart like toys is mentioned twice, first to refer to clothing coming off, then later in a more sinister, perhaps a more way. The "reach for the speech to be heard" is quite evidently a cry for help.
The eternal wild hunt, the hunt of men for women, driven mad by lust, tragically and brutally on display.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Wide Lovely Eyes Lyrics 9 years ago
On the surface it does indeed look like a suicide story. The girl's life has deteriorated to the point where there's nothing left for her to find joy in, her fun fair has been dismantled and the rides have been shut down, so she takes off her shoes and walks into the ocean.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Jubilee Street Lyrics 9 years ago
Well, it's still a Cave song, and I suppose no matter how old he gets, his songs will always be about the murder of beautiful young girls.

Arcade Fire – Neighborhood #2 (Laika) Lyrics 10 years ago
The Laika aspect sets the Russian tone. With that in mind, Alexander was Vladimir Lenin's older brother who became a revolutionary against the Czar before Vladimir did. Alexander clashed with his family who were mostly still monarchists and left them behind to fight in a terror cell against Czarist rule. He was caught and hanged for his deeds by the authorities which in turn set Vladimir on the path to revolution.

So yeah, that's my two cents. It could be about Lenin.

World Party – Is It Like Today? Lyrics 11 years ago
I always thought of that sentence taking the perspective of the man. He is pushing the boundaries of science, fixing the world's problems, and then comes "face to face with God" e.g. religion is among the world's problems. He runs into a religious or moral dilemma and it's the man calling God "my creation" instead of the other way around.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Easy Money Lyrics 11 years ago
Doesn't "sleeping rough" simply mean sleeping outdoors because of homelessness? I see no reason to believe the man's a prostitute, rather a very poor man the narrator complains to about having money.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Deanna Lyrics 12 years ago
To me this was a pretty straightforward tale of kidnap, rape and murder. Perhaps a band of thugs setting out to kidnap "Deanna", murder her husband/father/friends in the process, and taking her back to their house on the hill.
This is Nick Cave after all. Unbridled sadism should come as no surprise.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Saint Huck Lyrics 12 years ago
A lot of spelling errors in this one.

Also surprised there's no comments here yet, this might be one of Cave's most intense songs.

Tom Waits – Way Down in the Hole Lyrics 12 years ago
Franks Wild Years follow Frank, a man on the bottom rung. I like to think all songs relate to him somehow. This is the part where he turns to religion as a remedy for his problems, again falling to escapism.

Tom Waits – Yesterday Is Here Lyrics 12 years ago
Your best days are already behind you.

Tom Waits – Frank's Theme Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is about escapism. The character Frank is, here and in the film Big Time, a deeply troubled man who suffered many losses in life, but always deludes himself he's going to make it big someday. Very recognizable for some, especially me.

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