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Montgomery Gentry – Cold One Comin' On Lyrics 11 years ago
The video is great, but focusing on the video too much has caused interpreters to fail to comment on genius of the pun mentioned in the title.
What I am referring to is the "cold one" mentioned in the title. These two words refer to both alcohol and the coldness of death. Since alcoholism and death are two of the classic themes of bluesy country songs, this song succeeds wonderfully well as country blues do to this two word pun.

The Decemberists – Calamity Song Lyrics 11 years ago
This is just wrong for a couple of reasons. 1. every song by the Decemberists is an REM tribute bc REM (see wikipedia) is an important influence on the Decemberists in general. 2. There have been many excellent interpretations of this song as being a tongue in cheek jab at current right wing politics. Those interpretations are right and your simplistic interpretation that this is an rem tribute is simply wrong. 3. REM were very lazy lyric writers. they freely admitted some of their songs make no sense. this is unexceptable! all of the decemberist songs make sense making the decemberists the lyrical superiors of rem. the decemberist music is also way, way better.
I wish you would recan your interpretation of this song and just admit that you are just plain wrong. Please try to write better interpretations in the future. I hate to be mean but this was just simply a very poor analysis and I can think of very little good to say about what you have written here.

Laura Veirs – Icebound Stream Lyrics 11 years ago
I can not believe there are no comments on this amazing song! I guess everyone is commenting on "Call Me Maybe" instead. Wow is that ever sad. I hope another soul sickened by mediocre music comments on this song as well.

Basically, this song has two major themes: natural processes in reverse and water under ice as a metaphor for the subconcious. The second theme is obvious but the natural processes in reverse is more subtle and is suggested by the fact that ice is a predecessor (arguably) to liquid water.

I really have not seen nearly enough blindingly radiant praise of Laura Veirs' lyrics. To me, Veirs ranks in quality with John Donne and the other Metaphysical poets. Likes poets of that genre she draws metaphors from the sciences to make radically original comparisons. Kudos to Veirs for her creativity in coining such innovative figures of speech. As a scientist in general and a geologist in particular, she able to approach many subjects from the fresh, original, and enthralling perspective of science.

The Decemberists – The Soldiering Life Lyrics 11 years ago
There have been many excellent observations on the homoerotic nature of this song. Kudos on all who have noted this undertone of "The Soldiering Life and kudos even more on those noted that the love these men share is just as noble and heroic as it is, at least unconsciously, gay.
However, as excellent as the interpretations just mentioned are, these interpretations fail to note the central theme -- that is, the essential meaning -- of this song. The central theme of this song is that war for all its horror and violence does have extremely positive aspects. That is all I have time to say right now and I will elaborate more on my interpretation of the song later, but for the present I just wanted to comment on the obvious, but often not mentioned, meaning of this song.

Elliott Smith – Ballad of Big Nothing Lyrics 11 years ago
The title and the images in this song suggest some of the keenest despair that Smith ever expressed in any of his songs. Really the title does a damn fine job of expressing the utter worthlessness and hopelessness the speaker feels.
I admire the rawness of Smith's lyrics, and this rawness alone gives Smith's songwriting significant value although (ironically) Smith makes it clear in songs like this that he saw no value in himself or anything he did.
I would also like to mention another considerable value of Smith's lyrics: these lyrics scream, "Don't do drugs". Drugs gave Smith this sense of worthlessness and despair and those who would like to avoid the descent into Hell would do well to avoid the drug use that ruined him.

Iron & Wine – Faded from the Winter Lyrics 11 years ago
A very accessible and yet incredibly lovely song. The speaker in the song is just depicting his beloved as being associated with images of gentleness. It strikes me as very subtle and original that he compares his beloved to something "faded from the winter" because this comparison normally would be unflattering, but in the context of this song's depiction of the speaker's gentle beloved, the phrase is quite a compliment indeed. Sam Beam/Iron and Wine is a song writer who uses language in such a profoundly original way that many of his lyrics contain the sort of strikingly original comparisons found most abundantly in the poetry of Donne and the other Metaphysical Poets. Kudos, Sam Beam. You are a unique and gifted poet of the first order.

The Decemberists – The Bagman's Gambit Lyrics 11 years ago
I wish it wasn't so late because there is lots and lots I would love to say about this great great song. It suceeds musically, it succeeds lyrically, and it succeeds as an epic and wildly non-linear story.
One observation I would like to make is how this whole business started as just sordid sex in a toilet stall, but ended up being a love so wildly obsessive that the bagman was willing to betray his country for his beloved. I can relate. A former booty call of mine I met on adult friend finder became one of the most passionate loves of my life. sigh. she is about to be married (not to me). But I digress ...
A sad irony at the end of the song is that the bagman wished his beloved would state that she/he (the beloved) was uncatchable. The song ends with the bagman getting his wish: the beloved turns out indeed be uncatchable, not just by the authorities but tragically by the bagman as well.
Finally, it is ironic that most people seem to regard "Mariner's Revenge Song" as the best song on the album. To me, "The Bagman's Gambit" is the best song. Does anyone else agree?

Matisyahu – One Day Lyrics 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this. I think this tenet of Judaism is one of the noblest religious teachings there are. What I like even more about Hassidic Judaism as well as other types of Judaism is the emphasis on mitzvahs or good deeds to make the world as good a place as possible until the Messianic age comes. I believe all true and noble religions promote mitzvahs like this. As a result, I say kudos to any person practicing there religion in a compassionate and just way, including Hassidic Jews.

Kishi Bashi – I Am the Antichrist to You Lyrics 11 years ago
Maxte7en is quite right. Beautiful song. A tough nut to crack lyrically, however. My interinterpretation is that Antichrist does not mean evil-- for example, a Hitler-like figure-- in this song like the word is typically used.

I think these two lines are key:

I was always quick to admit defeat
empty statements of bones and meat

I get the impression to that these lines suggest he is bodilly pleasure and she is spiritual wisdom. She is superior to his physicality and he is "defeat[ed]" by her spirituality. However, in spite of her superiority she needs the physical pleasure that his physicality can afford her and even though he "falls from grace" -- that is, even though what he offers is inferior to her loftier, nobler gift-- "into [her] arms"-- that is, his inferior gift of physicality nevertheless meets a profound need for her though it is not as a profound a need as the need for Christ and spiritual wisdom.

Very subtle and wise comments here. However, my opinion is that a man who penetrates his lover in an act of love and pleasure is just as holy and noble as a priest transubstantiate the Host into the body of Christ in a Eucharistic service. In fact, I would say the lover is even holier and nobler because the need he meets is so much more intense than the need of the worshipper at the Eucharistic mass. I wonder what others will say about this. No bigee if you disagree I just thought I would put this out there.

Kishi Bashi – I Am the Antichrist to You Lyrics 11 years ago
Maxte7en is quite right. Beautiful song. A tough nut to crack lyrically, however. My interinterpretation is that Antichrist does not mean evil-- for example, a Hitler-like figure-- in this song like the word is typically used.

I think these two lines are key:

I was always quick to admit defeat
empty statements of bones and meat

I get the impression to that these lines suggest he is bodilly pleasure and she is spiritual wisdom. She is superior to his physicality and he is "defeat[ed]" by her spirituality. However, in spite of her superiority she needs the physical pleasure that his physicality can afford her and even though he "falls from grace" -- that is, even though what he offers is inferior to her loftier, nobler gift-- "into [her] arms"-- that is, his inferior gift of physicality nevertheless meets a profound need for her though it is not as a profound a need as the need for Christ and spiritual wisdom.

Very subtle and wise comments here. However, my opinion is that a man who penetrates his lover in an act of love and pleasure is just as holy and noble as a priest transubstantiate the Host into the body of Christ in a Eucharistic service. In fact, I would say the lover is even holier and nobler because the need he meets is so much more intense than the need of the worshipper at the Eucharistic mass. I wonder what others will say about this. No bigee if you disagree I just thought I would put this out there.

Al Stewart – Nostradamus Lyrics 11 years ago
A great song. Amazing there are no interpretations. This song is pretty straightfoward and if any lines are confusing, there are many internet resources available that will probably clarify some of the more incomprehensible "prophecies" here.
Really the only thing worth saying about this song is that it is ironic that the song is so great when Nostradamus was a clown when it came to being a visionary and a prophet. Virtually no experts seem to be particularly impressed by Nostradamus' predictive abilities anymore.

Iron & Wine – Lion's Mane Lyrics 11 years ago
My favorite line: "The earth is warmer when you laugh". That is simply simply gorgeous songwriting.

Iron & Wine – Lion's Mane Lyrics 11 years ago
Exactly right! Great interpretation! The song has the broader meaning that hurtful things (in general) can be sources of beauty, joy, and pleasure. This is why the songwriter mentions the thornbush, which paradoxically provides a pleasant feeling and smelling "scent oil". A great song from a great album. If you liked this I high recommend "pink moon" by nick drake to you.

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