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Björk – Pleasure Is All Mine Lyrics 11 years ago
the "man gasping" as some are saying here, is actually Inuit throat singing... by tanya tagaq, a you should look up some videos of throat singing. it's amazing! i think it was originally invented as a game of some kind by Inuit women. but it makes great music too :)

and it fits in perfectly to me in this album, because the practice is so...basic...i love it...this album gets down to the core of music. to it's roots. to the roots of humanity...using the oldest instruments on earth, the voice. which makes perfect sense, seeing how the album is called Medulla...being the innermost part of an organ or animal.

this album is amaaazzzingly put together. bjork did a wonderful job. and i think this song is the perfect opening to it. so beautiful, the way the voices unfold in the song, it's like a flower opening up... or like water flowing, it's so pure and crisp...

Björk – Joga Lyrics 11 years ago
EXCEPT...that the song is names Joga...after her good friend Joga. that"s what she said in a video i saw of her recording the song. i do however like your interpretation. it makes sense. and songs are great that way...and really all art in general neat like that. the meanings can be so vast and personalized for each person, depending on how you want to look at it.

Björk – New World Lyrics 12 years ago
i thought it was...."to heaven from chair"?

it might not be. but that's what i thought it was....i interpreted it as the few moments before you hang yourself. usually you're on a chair you know, till you step off. hence, the walking on air part. dammit bjork, you're such a great and clever writer!

i know she was hanged in the movie... and she wasn't on a chair of course. but this song...i dunno, it just has that feeling and image to me. like, the moment before death.

it makes sense and is hauntingly beautiful either way though.

i love this song. it's so joyful, yet sad all at once. it completely captured my heart the first time i heard it.

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