My Bloody Valentine – What You Want Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Are you so blind (or been on autopilot for so long) that you don't see how warped that interpretation is. Do you not get it. If you don't enjoy your life than change it. If you like it (and it's apparently what you want and need) than celebrate it...sing it from rooftops; tell the world of your beautiful conquest; and share all of you with her. There is no three. Never has been and never will be, except in your mind. |
The Smiths – This Charming Man Lyrics | 12 years ago |
And imagine that...someone obviously very talented, handsome, rugged, bright, etc and he just can't see what others he performs. That stairway nervous laugh I first heard him utter years ago is who I always knew he was... with that soft, sensitive, extremely sexy, delicate underbelly. If only he could see what I saw and still continue to see. Hey, but he has fame and money... |
Atmosphere – Me Lyrics | 12 years ago |
It's an amazing song with amazing similarities to people I've known. And if it's read carefully and truly seen for what it is, it's a song about perception. The perception in ones mind...the image s/he sees, but can't seem to get that not everyone sees that image. The song is about a self-fulfilling prophesy and Maslow's hierarcy of needs. And it is a song about settling for what became the easiest possible routine and quickest payoff (albeit temporary) in a very tough life filled with doubt, fear, self-loathing, shame, and some rebellion tossed in for good measure. Fascinating song. The people I have known have also been fascinating, especially with their inabilty to see the beauty within themselves as they are too busy sticking with the darkside for its quick payoff. Risk is scary. Change is scary. And this song speaks to why they choose what/who they choose. I'm so happy I stumbled upon this song this particular morning. It's honest and raw. It's a nice change. |
Ne-Yo – Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I cannot believe this song has no comments. It's #3 or #4 on Billboards Top songs for the week/month. Dang. I like Ne-Yo's music....talented guy. Enjoyed watching his life story (his rise to fame) on television a few months back (probably a re-run as I don't watch much TV). Impressive man and musician. Absolutely gorgeous song...rather self-explanatory (which may be why there are no interpreatations, now that I think about it :-) Oh well. |
The Lumineers – Ho Hey Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Man, I have been seeking the artist of this song for two weeks. Each time I heard the tune over the car radio, I tried to recall the words so I could seek the artist. FINALLY did that today. What a wonderful song. The instrumentals and lyrical pacing (if that's a musical concept) are wonderful. The lyrics are just an added bonus. Not overly familiar with this band, but I apparently need to be... |
The Strokes – 12:51 Lyrics | 12 years ago |
2 minutes and 30 seconds you say. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to get it up and out. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to pump the chest and feel like a man 'cause she's a mere child. Man, if she's still living with her parents and you have to sneak around, she's too young! Why are some of you men absolute shallow pigs. Nope, not a question. Yup, I don't give a rat's ass if you like my opinion. Go pork someone your own age and leave our big babies alone to mature before you warp their growing minds and bodies. Crap. |
Modest Mouse – March Into the Sea Lyrics | 12 years ago |
You are mistaken about him being cut down. I think he cuts himself down without any help from others. Interesting song. |
Bing Crosby – Silent Night Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Christmas is not Christmas (for me anyway) without music. Bing is my favorite. He is/was the epiotome of Christmas during the cold, snowy winters. If you are young and have yet to listen to Bing and his cohorts (of Christmas melodies), please check him out via Youtube. His smooth voice melted away many a winter stuck inside the house due to bad weather. |
Glasvegas – Fuck You, It's Over Lyrics | 12 years ago |
How old is the singer, 'cause that's one pretty OLD boy :) |
Dillon – Thirteen Thirtyfive Lyrics | 12 years ago |
"I think in this song, Dillon is portraying a pedophile who actually loves his victims" Pedophiles don't "love" their victims. They love themselves. If adults love children, they do what is best for them. They do not manipulate them or intentionally harm them with their actions. There is never any excuse for pedophilia. I have worked one-on-one with the victims of pedophiles and I have had the displeasure of working one-on-one with child molestors (which is what they are). The relationship is "forbidden" for good reason. Children are not mature enough at 13 to know what is best for them. They are not mature enough to understand and defend themselves against a maniupulative adult who has power, wisdom, and intelligence over them. Due to sexual norms changing, the age for what is considered pedophilia has dropped considerably since laws on the topic first hit the books. That is sad because children are still children, even if society has stamped an OK on recreational sex. If Dillon indeed is "portraying a pedophile who actually loves his vicitims," than he needs to study the CRIME and stop giving a type of OK to it. Ugh. |
Gypsy – Let Me Entertain You Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Let me entertain you (like a dancing internet hampster on a wheel) and let me p*ss you off. The latter is so much more fun for me. My little hampster legs were tiring after all those years on the wheel. Talk abou dizzy! |
Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire – Dora Goes to Town Lyrics | 12 years ago |
LOL Dora the Explorer is headed to town to hunt for rabbits. So THAT'S what they call them long-legged, gorgeous, giggly, drunken, sex-wanting thangs ;-) Well, darn if that doesn't clear things up. |
The Plot in You – Premeditated Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Wicked cool song, but what the heck does it mean. I have goosebumps! However, if ya call me a "Jar" again I may have to slug you. And just because someone has questionable taste in men/women (challenging men/women) does not make them LONELY. Damn, some people are idiots even when their IQ's are high! |
Derek and the Dominos – Key To The Highway Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Man needs no excuse to misbehave. |
Menomena – Pique Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I think it's an incredibly bright, talented, super sexy man who's whiny. My guess anyway... |
The Black Keys – Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles (Captain Beefheart cover) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
FYI: If you cannot laugh at yourself than you REALLY have issues. |
The Black Keys – Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles (Captain Beefheart cover) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Hmmmmm...I haven't been drunk since I slept on the sidewalk in front of a club down on Main Street in Seattle. Then I slept on a side street. Then I slept on top of a parking meter. Then I slept in my truck. Then I slept in my neighbor's driveway. Then I slept on my neighbor's driveway. Then I slept in my driveway. Then I slept as my soon-to-be ex dragged me inside the house. Then I slept in my bed. Then I was embarrassed. Hmmmmm...I guess that's not too closeted, so I must have lost my mind. I thought so. That woman needs to poke a stick in her eyes so her love doesn't show. She reallly is a fruitcake, ya know. Has to be 'cause he has no sense of humor, is a dirty rat much of the time, and long ago went over to the dark side for the cookies. |
The Black Keys – Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles (Captain Beefheart cover) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Sounds as though she must have lost her mind. Either that or she's a closeted lush :) |
Andrew Bird – The Confession Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Spectacular. Bravo. Outstanding. You really outdid youself with this excellent interpretation. But what's with the prepositions at the end of a sentence (or two). My heart had skipped a beat until those nasty lil' buggers snuck their way into a darn good piece of writing. Oh, woe is me. Shall I ever be satisfied. |
Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire – Feetlips Lyrics | 12 years ago |
LOL...coming from the Master ;) |
Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire – Candy Shop Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Is that Larry Bird the former basketball star or Big Bird, Obama's friend? |
Goldfinger – Fuck Ted Nugent Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Really dumb elementary. However, I am in a b*tchy mood and feel like telling the world to f-off. It's perfect for these kinds of moments. However, for those whom I may have directed my frustration, I humbly apologize. Doesn't mean I am 100% incorrect, but there is no excuse for being a b*tch to anyone. |
The Cranberries – Linger Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Let me guess, 'cause I think I know this person. He's gorgeous, incredibly bright and creative, and he's from Brazil...correct? If that's the one, than run cause he's dating a young beauty and he just wants company during the long cold winter. He will promise you the world (like he already did once) and then not follow through. You're just his online entertainment. As for the song, did not another band sing it? I never liked the song, even before the red hot Brazillian wasted so much time of my life :D |
The Jackson 5 – Working Day And Night Lyrics | 12 years ago |
LOL. I checked out the lyrics thinkin' this was an actual work/labor song 'cause I do NOT wish to work today. Ugh. Big fan of Michael's creative talent and his dance moves, but not his music. However, the Jackson 5 was a part of my childhood... and they rock! My cousin and I would pretend that we were dating the Jackson's. She was Michael's woman and I was on the arm of one of his brother's. Crap, I can't even recall which 'cause it's been so friggin' long... |
Okkervil River – Okkervil River Song Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Friggin' weird that this posted in the feed. I just heard this song this morning. It is won-der-ful. Had never heard/experienced the artist until today. The song's been well-explained and self-explanatory. Deep lyrics, which makes it special. |
Rosemary Clooney – Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
My thoughts are these lyrics that should be part of the public forum as they are all over the Internet already, and the wonderful Ms. Clooney is long gone and, I believe, would want her music enjoyed by future generations. Geesh. Yesterday I heard this song for the very first time and fell in love instantly. When I'm worried and I can't sleep I count my blessings instead of sheep And I fall asleep counting my blessings When my bankroll is getting small I think of when I had none at all And I fall asleep counting my blessings I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds If you're worried and you can't sleep Just count your blessings instead of sheep And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds If you're worried and you can't sleep Just count your blessings instead of sheep And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings |
fun. – Some Nights Lyrics | 12 years ago |
You do get, though, that some people sleep with the same people because they become very lonely or very manic. It's not their orientation, it's just that they are so desperate that they have risky sex to avoid being alone or because they're in a manic state. Then they feel guilty and ashamed so they convince themselves that they are bisexual. I know someone like this. If he really were OK with it he'd tell his closest friends, his family, and talk about being gay. But he doesn't, which speaks VOLUMES. So sleeping with the same sex is sometimes a symptom, not an orientation. |
Puddle of Mudd – She Hates Me Lyrics | 12 years ago |
*over* young babes |
Puddle of Mudd – She Hates Me Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I don't agree. I don't believe it's about hate. One has to love in order to hate. That's a lot of emotion. I think it's more about a guy who's a loser who lives a pretend life and makes excuses for himself. He is in and out of beds because he can't maintain any lasting relationship. He's like one of those aging, balding men who hold fame, power, position, or money off young babes who date him only for those reasons. It never lasts. And his inflated ego makes him believe that others actuallly hate him. He just hates himself and leads a redundant life. Only the vaginas change. |
Muse – Unintended Lyrics | 12 years ago |
One of dozens of songs about settling. Some have never experienced love and never will. And they're content with it. Too bad they waste so much time lying and playing games instead of really living. Good song. Sad that songs like these have replaced a person's heart, soul, and voice, though. |
DragonForce – Through the Fire and Flames Lyrics | 12 years ago |
"So now we're flying we're free"... some are never free. They are caged and restricted. And they have convinced themselves otherwise. I guess if we tell ourselves something long enough we eventually believe it. What a waste of life. |
Linkin Park – Lost In The Echo Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I think you're wrong. I think it's about a person who disrespects himself, but who likes to blame others for the problems that he refuses to face and conquer. It's easier to deflect than it is to deal with the issue, when the issue is looking back at you in the mirror. Good song, but you are wrong. |
The Monkees – Pleasant Valley Sunday Lyrics | 12 years ago |
One of the few Beatles songs I actually like. (Their Yellow Submarine album was the suckiest album of all time!). This song is the dream that people have, but not all are fortunate to realize. When we grow old and look back at our lives, it's not the temporary relationships, the one-night stands, the lies, the manipulations, the games, or the notches on our bedposts that mean diddly squat. Those who truly live life have not only stable relationships, but friends and significant others who love them, know them, are loyal, and are honest. I am blessed with many friends, many of them emotionally and financially successful. And guess what. They are wild and crazy. They know how to work and save for their futures, while still letting their hair down. Here's to pleasant valley Sundays and having true love and real friendships. I've met people in their 40's and 50's who never grew up until it was too late. And they are alone. |
Mannheim Steamroller – Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow Lyrics | 12 years ago |
WoW. No Carol of the Bells, but anything by this group is worth a listen. Let it Snow takes me back to northern winters building snow forts, fighting off the boys' attack, sledding, carolling house to house, ice-skating, playing ice-hockey on the vacant lot next door, and building snowmen. (I would anger my male friends because from the time I was a little girl I insisted on calling them snowpeople.) Looking outside the window up at the street light as the snow fell each evening with the twinkling of the Christmas tree lights reflecting off the window is a memory I shall always cherish. My mother would always decorate the house, adding new decorations yearly. And she was creative, making 3-D snowmen and Santas from painted magazine pages; speciality Christmas design cakes; and homemade holiday candles. No matter what problems went on inside the home, the Christmas season seemed to bring out the best in least for a week or so. And the snow outside to play in with my male friends was an added bonus. This song, like all the songs of the band's, is wonderful. So thankful Christmas is almost here and a new and good year begins soon. |
Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Christmas Canon Rock Lyrics | 12 years ago |
This is truly beautiful. If you haven't yet heard it, please do. It's worth your time. Wishing every music lover a very special holiday season. http://www (dot) |
Yui – AGAIN Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Oops. I meant to classify it as a "translation." I B TIRED 2NITE. Sorry. |
Yui – AGAIN Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I will pursue this dream, 'cause I know it's expected that I be serene Upon this winding road, in the face of the crowds that bustle all around Although it seems like I am chasing after the past, What I want is a place where the sky is alive and like home to me Please try to understand the truth That this is no choice And I wish you'd stop with that look of despair You're giving me Tears are nothing but the shape of our weakness And they won't bring any absolution I do not see an end to this labyrinth Who am I waiting for~ And I write it down in the pages of my notebook 'Cause I'm looking for the me that is still honest I am running but I don't even know why From this reality To chase my wishes I'll carry on living And I will always remember the depths of the darkness I'll face my demons and I'll no longer run away There isn't a place to go I'll lose this feeling of being so helpless 'Cause my whole life is ahead of me I'll quash the numbness 'Cause pain's better than the emptiness I must apologize, I've really messed up and I am so ashamed I may not say it much, But I know that I make you worry all the time Back then you always could accept the things I'd done And you're still the same today so I'll try not to burden you But try to realize that I have closed my eyes Just because the world is too harsh And I'm willing to blind myself Rumors that they have spread about us I do not know which was the first one "We were friends from the second that we met," Just stop with the lies already And my heart turned red with this passion And it almost consumed my very being 'Cause in truth I'd held onto hope From this reality To chase my wishes I'll carry on living And I really want to scream out, but can you even hear me? I'll face my demons, and I'll no longer run away There isn't a place to go I still am grateful for the care you've shown me So I'll find the strength to make it count I'll always move onward Facing my friends and foes alike How do you unlock this door that has no key? Can you think of a way? We can't go back to the beginning The story is set, and our destinies too Open up your eyes Open up your eyes I'll lose this feeling of being so helpless 'Cause my whole life is ahead of me And the things I once abandoned I want to try and find again Come on, just one more time To chase my wishes I'll carry on living And I really want to scream out, but can you even hear me? I'll face my demons, and I'll no longer run away There isn't a place to go I still am grateful for the care you've shown me So I'll find the strength to make it count I'll quash the numbness 'Cause pain's better than the emptiness |
Aphex Twin – Windowlicker Lyrics | 12 years ago |
The music is pretty good. The video is gross. The man looks like a cross between an ugly domesticated cat and an ugly lion. And what the heck is he doing with that umbrella. I was under the assumption that if a guy had the family jewels, that umbrella action should actually hurt! Ick. As for oral sex, there is nothing in the video that even suggests oral....and there's nothing in the lyrics that suggest oral. Wishful thinking, Letty. Wishful thinking. Is not a dog mentioned in the lyrics? What WERE they thinking when the video was made??? |
MF Doom – Blunt Drunk (All Outta Ale) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
OH, MF Doom. Even better! |
MF Doom – Blunt Drunk (All Outta Ale) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
"Holy moley, did you get a load of her rolly polie? Yo G, remind me to remember what you told me. And if you don't feel him, build walls like a goalie." The singer obviouly has issues. FM Doom? Never heard of him/her. Sounds like a real upbeat, bright, classy artist... |
The Magnetic North – Betty Corrigall Lyrics | 12 years ago |
A song of excuses. Is everyone listening to the top 100 tonight, or what. People don't try and don't DO because they have no need to when they are being loved and liked and cared for. They have nothing to lose when they have all that they need from a person from afar, so why gamble. People have no motivation to change their actions, so they keep using music to speak for them instead of the mouths and minds that God gave them. This song is the epitome of bullsh*t, lyrically speaking. Some people are as well. |
The Cooper Temple Clause – Safe Enough Distance Away Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Good song. I'll give it my best shot, but I suck at this. It's an excuse anthem. It's a song that puts a pretty and large justifyable bow on a big crapload of life excuses. Like everything else, it's an out...a reason to not act. Creative song. The meaning behind the lyrics suck rocks, but then again excuses suck. |
Lou Reed – Walk on the Wild Side Lyrics | 12 years ago |
It's a fun song. About transvestites, perhaps? I love our society; it believes the young and beautiful and boisterous are the wild ones. Any studier of psychology knows that the wicked ones are the ones who know how to "behave" in public and let loose in private. I think the world missed the study a decade or so ago about Republican women being wilder than Democratic ones. Honestly, it was a hoot. The conservative practicing Christians behind closed doors were the ones that let lose. It takes a talented, bright female to know how to play the a lady in public and a freak in the bed, as the saying goes. Bed? How boring:) |
OneRepublic – Prodigal Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Oops. Never was very good in math. That song date would be prior to the actual knock up...back in the planning stages of taking advantage of the poor, weak, horny sucker whose sperm and nothing more was needed. LOL. |
OneRepublic – Prodigal Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Looking at the date of the song, I'd say someone was already knocked up. Hey, a few thousand for a kid who needs support for 18 year. Fair trade. The song sounds like a delusion of grandeur. In real life, nobody waits. They may wait around to look and laugh, but they don't wait. They communicate and go out with others just waiting until they find the one. They they look back and laugh again. At least some don't sacrifice their souls and intellect for a tight ass and some high fives by the teenage boys. At least some... |
My Chemical Romance – Gun Lyrics | 12 years ago |
So, Kevin, how much oil did we get from Iraq since the war begain? How much is coming our way in the future? Please take down the DNC posters from your bedroom wall. Geesh. NO CLUE what the song is about, but at least I'm not spreading either misinformation or propaganda. |
Fiona Apple – Shadowboxer Lyrics | 12 years ago |
LOL. Some people box against imaginary opponents. They need mirrors to see who they are really fighting. Like Fiona. Like this song. |
The Black Dahlia Murder – The Raven Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Hey, but at least she called and tomorrow's a new day! Ah, the smell of sex and lies in the air. What a glorious aroma! Nice song. So upbeat! |
Helen Reddy – I Am Woman Lyrics | 12 years ago |
This is Helen's song, not Barbra's or Jordan's or any woman who follows. Helen made it an anthem of the 70's at a time when one was needed. Over 50% of women living in poverty (often with children) were displaced homemakers. It wasn't until 1972 that a woman could get credit on her own. We may have gone to the extreme in the form of not appreciating the lives of innocent growing children and some may have sacrificed older children for extreme careers, but the movement WAS needed at the time. And today I celebrate this sense of freedom and accomplishment after having just installed my VERY FIRST new toilet seat! It sounds like nothin' (don't hate....appreciate), but when it's a first it's always special and important. (But now I do know that y'all men need to be assigned more work; you've been skatin'!!!) LOL. (...always a bad sign when one laughs at herself:) Helen's song ROCKS! |
Ludo – Anything for You Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Great song. For all the couples who will be together decades through thick and thin... this is theirs. |
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