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Hurt – That (such a thing) Lyrics 12 years ago
And in the end they both have the same basic meaning, just told with the way he hears it as apposed to the way I do.

Hurt – That (such a thing) Lyrics 12 years ago
Hate all you want. If you can do better lets hear it.

Hurt – That (such a thing) Lyrics 12 years ago
Basic song meaning: Even tho you've lost someone that meant a lot to you, they are still there 'know that it's always around' All you have to do is take a minute to stop and remember everything about them, and for a brief moment you are with them again until 'Till the taste of the tears will remind' and you come back to reality. But even if the the pain is great and maybe hard to deal with the thoughts and love you feel for them are still beautiful. 'Oh please don't lose something so beautiful; It's very lovely' So in short, remember and look back on the ones you lost and smile and know that they are with you always.

As it relates to the story: I think this song is in reference to House Carpenter. Like he has made peace that she is no longer physically with him, But will always be in his heart and in everything he does. And as anyone who follows the story his music.

And I knew when your wind went away
Yeah I knew cuz you whispered my name
And said you loved me
But how could I ever explain such a thing'

At the end of House carpenter she says "I love you so much" I believe this is somewhat explaining the meaning to that. The fact that the i love you is in a females voice instead of his own or a males voice.

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