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Primus – Jilly's On Smack Lyrics 12 years ago
I saw this song live way before it came out, In Fayetteville, AR in May 2011. As soon As Ler started playin that riff, I was in love with the song! Then I got to know what it was about and I loved it even more.. Way to go Primus! I also heard in an interview that this song is actually about someone that Les and his friends once knew but she got on Herion and faded out of their lives..

Primus – Hello Skinny/Constantinople Lyrics 12 years ago
Fail! Nice try though..

Primus – Hello Skinny/Constantinople Lyrics 12 years ago
Cheap heroin is made in a bathtub and called 'bathtub heroin". This song was released in 1978, so it had to be about a well-known drug at the time, which crystal meth wasn't. Also, it was hard to get syringes then, so heroin addicts made their own with eye droppers. Heroin addicts were often skinny, and they were known for selling all their possessions to get more money to get high.

Primus – Hellbound 17 1/2 (Theme From) Lyrics 12 years ago
While tripping on mushrooms at a Primus show in 1996 in Kansas City, I had a revelation of what this song may be about.. We have so many questions about life where we came from .. what it's all about and you realize how small you really are in relation to everything else.. so why worry about silly things when you can enjoy the good things and just be you "Is that a tuna melt that I smell? C'mon!" Just my little take on it..

Primus – Eleven Lyrics 12 years ago
Really?! You think this song is about turning 11 years old?! AAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Nice try....

Primus – Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread Lyrics 12 years ago
Yes.. It's 11/8 .. Tricky time.. Love it.. The song "Eleven is also in 11/8.. Hence the name Eleven..

Primus – Golden Boy Lyrics 12 years ago
The Golden Boy is definitley a hypocrite.. He's bad to the bone.. He ws stealing from the liquor store by drinking to "pad his pay" then he shoots a kid for stealing a 40.. After he did his time he still had no remorese.. He truly is a dumb , hpyocritical, mean, bad man.. Les is making fun of him and sarcastically calling him "Golden Boy" ? ? ? Just what I've alway gotten from the song.

Primus – Golden Boy Lyrics 12 years ago
Probably one of the most ridiculous explanation I've ever heard.. Thanks though.. Good try... Not really..

Primus – Frizzle Fry Lyrics 12 years ago
You nailed it Heckler.. Probably one of the best explanations on any of their songs.. I knew most of this but loved your explantion.. Thanks brotha

Primus – Eclectic Electric (feat. James Hetfield & Jim Martin) Lyrics 12 years ago
Me too.. One of my favorites..

Primus – Jilly's On Smack Lyrics 12 years ago
I saw this song live way before it came out, In Fayetteville, AR in May 2011. As soon As Ler started playin that riff, I was in love with the song! Then I got to know what it was about and I loved it even more.. Way to go Primus! I also heard in an interview that this song is actually about someone that Les and his friends once knew but she got on Herion and faded out of their lives..

Primus – Green Ranger Lyrics 12 years ago
I completely agree with you on this. Perfect explanation. I did not know what he may have meant about Nevada City Fire but I believe you are correct on this as well. I would love to know why he calls it The Green Ranger but maybe it will come out in an interview or during a live show or something ;-)

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