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Red – Out From Under Lyrics 12 years ago
Good interpretation. It does mean a desire for resurrection, turning us into a new person with a new heart. Although the pain may be incredibly difficult to bear, we will end up submitting to the "pressure" and becoming something new.

Red – Mystery of You Lyrics 12 years ago
The intro/verse 1 is easy to interpret.

"You always said we'd meet again
You always said you'd be here"

The first line means that when you left the Lord, He said you would meet again. You believe, from that, that He left you, which explains the second line. You think He left you that "last" time He spoke to you. But, the reality, is that you are the one who left Him.

"You touch the deepest part of me
The places I could not save
Just tell me why I'm so dark inside"

Jesus touches the deepest part of you, to feel your pain. He does this to know how to save you from it because you cannot do it yourself. And you expect to just know the answer to the problems as soon as you ask Him for the answers. When you usually don't hear anything, you often say, "The Lord is not with me! He has not told me what to do to get rid of this darkness! He must have left me!" That is an issue today. People believe that when you cannot hear anything, the Lord is not there! But, as a matter of fact, He IS with you! He just leads you onto the path of recovery without us knowing. This path can be as long as He wants. That is what leads to one of the mysteries: of not knowing that His work is happening right now.

The understanding of the chorus is hard to see, but must be seen from a different perspective.

"Somewhere, I will find
All the pieces torn apart, you just left behind
In your mystery

Somewhere I will see
All you taken from me
All you kept deep inside

Inside the mystery of you![...]"

You must understand, that what we see as "pieces torn apart" that our Lord Jesus and God Almighty "left behind" are actually works of His that are meant to test and strengthen you! Satan often depicts the lie, "Where is your 'God' now? Look at what He tore apart from you He doesn't love you!"
But, the truth is that He is with you! All this "despair" and "brokenness" are just works of God to bring you closer to Him! How glorious! He makes something of "evil" and creates it to benefit you! That is the mystery of Him! You cannot entirely solve what the meaning of all the pieces that were torn apart, or of all that was taken from you. Just know, that all that He has torn apart and stolen from you, was for a purpose: to come back to Him. Because, when you run back to Jesus (the "somewhere [you] will find"), you will find all that is lost is now found, all that is torn is now whole, and you, as well, are now full of light! How great is our God and Savior!

"It's obvious you understand the blood that on my hands
I'm paralyzed, I can't escape
Until I see your face
You're all I know"

The "blood" on your hands is the sins you have committed. It is true that they can paralyze you, and chain you down, saying that you can't escape! But, when you see His face, you are saved from your sins through His Blood. But, to cleanse you of the chains that bound you to your sinful nature, the work though the Cross must believed. I am reading a book by Watchman Nee called "The Normal Christian Life". I am saying what he says in his book. In order to be rid of your old man, your man of sin, you must die through Christ. This doesn't mean crucifying yourself (although it is physically impossible). It means that you must believe that Christ died on the cross. Also, that Christ abides in you, and you in him. John 15:4 says "Abide in me, and I in you." This is evidence that you, your old man (of sin), died on the Cross with Jesus, just as He died with you. Also, believe that you have be resurrected with Jesus as a new man, free of sin! That is why, unless you see His face and the truth in His word, you cannot be freed from the chains. But, just because you haven't seen His face, you are still cleansed of your sins, but sin is still in your nature, keeping you down. Also, He is "all [you] know". Material possessions cannot, and can never, save you from your pain and darkness. Most of the time, they worsen your condition by adding more weight on you! Even though it gives of a "feeling" of "happiness", it will not last eternally. Only through Him can you has eternal life and happiness! Although some do not see or believe that Christ is the source of new life, He will unlock their chains as well. For it is written in Romans 14:11, "For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, EVERY KNEE will bow to Me, and EVERY TONGUE will give praise to God."

Some may say that only believers of Christ will join Him, and those who don't will be sent to hell (theses people will use the verse John 3:16 to back this up). For one, "hell" in the Bible is the literal translation for the word that was used in the original Greek text (but that is a long and a different story). And, two, although people use the verse John 3:16, they usually stop reading there! Whenever my dad is criticized for believing this way, people say for him to read John 3:16. But, they overlook one thing. Although it says " that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish", many depict this as saying that non-believers will go to hell. But it does not say that! (If you don't believe me and want to prove me wrong, reply to this and show me proof.) For those who say that those who do not believe will go to hell, they usually do not read past, or skip, the next verse, John 3:17. It says: "For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." The world might be saved. The WORLD, not just the believers, but the whole entire world and those in it! And, also, why would God, the One of love and peace and light, send his children into a place of hate and hurt and violence and darkness, or "hell"? See how contradicting it is? It either shows that God is a loving god towards His children, or is a god of punishment and despair. And, if Jesus, who conquered the sin of all, could not save even a single person from "going to hell" because of their actions, wouldn't that show that His work was in vain and false? Wouldn't that make you feel that you serve a false savior and a false god? See how the beliefs of some Christians contradict with the Truth, the Word of God! The Truth is this: Everyone, believers and non-believers, shall confess that God is Lord and Christ Jesus is Savior.

- Jeremiah, Age: 15

Red – Mystery of You Lyrics 12 years ago
Forgiven123, it is true that He makes himself distant and mysterious. He seems that way because all of His actions He has done in your life are beyond our understanding.

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