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Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago response. Pussy got your tongue? Check her ID. You probably have an under roo drawer filled with them.

Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
You haven't sent me any text messages. Go take the meds you should be on, asshole.

Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
Shut the fuck up

Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
It didn't ring and it had better not ring

Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
FYI The band sucks and the song about a chain is JOKE.

Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
Really tough conning a young boy (for awhile anyway) and getting laid. Kudos. What have you done other than than in how many years???? Yes, the master of big little kids but nothing else. You've made them proud; you're a REAL man. That's what this song is about. And NO apologies for it.

Terry Jacks – Seasons in the Sun Lyrics 12 years ago
One of my favorite childhood songs. I never thought of it as about death, at least not the death of a self. I found it to be a goodbye of sorts.

Live – Transmit Your Love Lyrics 12 years ago
Love the raising the roof part! Can't wait to do it! Can't wait to burn the past and welcome in the new year! Get your lovin' from wonderland, if you will even be able to keep all their names staight in another decade...Daddy.

Red – Gave It All Away Lyrics 12 years ago
"He says that he needs her with him (maybe because he's also going through some hard times in his life)" is not the definition of love. There's a huge difference. Regardless, I love the band and this song.

Red – Faceless Lyrics 12 years ago
I love this band, but this is the saddest song. It's either about feeling cut off from God (been there) or it's about feeling needy...needing someone else to make us whole. And that's an impossible feat. No one is hollow and faceless, but often we feel that way due to circumstances both in and not in our control.

Red – Already Over Lyrics 12 years ago
It can be about anything the listener wishes it to be about. For me, it's about people and relationships. Why be limited in an interpretation. We don't share the same ears nor do we share the same life experience/history.

Russell Watson – You Raise Me Up Lyrics 12 years ago
Great song. Very spiritual for many listeners. Most people let us down from time-to-time, but God is forever present and forever knowing. Russell's voice is excellent.

Tori Amos – Crucify Lyrics 12 years ago
You're so full of crap. Sorry the teachings aren't easy and each of us is flawed. But you don't toss the baby out with the bath wather; rather, you work harder to follow the teachings regardless of how difficult they are. I wish (to God) He didn't teach sex outside marriage was a sin. It would be easier if He supported divorce. It would be easier for my gay friends if he approved of their bedroom activities. But the reality is we're not supposed to expect God to change. We're supposed to be strong and do what's in our power to conform to what He wants for us. God is the judge, and most of us don't measure up many times daily. Some of us are just more honest about admitting that we fail ourselves.

The Butchies – Ellen D. Lyrics 12 years ago
Obviously, but I still don't know what the song means. I think it's saying that nobody knows the real him/her. Or perhaps it's saying that s/he doesn't know himself or why s/he does what s/he does. S/he calls it being free intead of being addicted to a lifestyle that fights lonliness.

The Saints – Story of Love Lyrics 12 years ago
How ironic. The story of love has no lyrics; no meaning; no interpretation; just nothing. Poof.

The Lemonheads – Into Your Arms Lyrics 12 years ago
Get those papers signed by her parents first ;)

Hanson – Yearbook Lyrics 12 years ago
LOL...some people spend their lives lying and it's all they know. The meaning of the word TRUTH is not in their dirty little dictionary :)

The Replacements – I Will Dare Lyrics 12 years ago
I omitted something from my rant. It's fine when people have preferences and choose to date, for example, younger people (providing there is no power/influence, etc...a very unequal relationship). There are those I would not date, such as a man my age or older who isn't filled with energy. What is disgusting is those who claim to be free and open and against the norm when they themselves are the epitome of "kept" and superficial. Those are the liars. And it's not preference that motivates them; it's societal pressures, even though they're too dishonest to acknowledge it.

My Bloody Valentine – Never Say Goodbye Lyrics 12 years ago
Unimpressed with the song so say goodbye. Shoot the dead horse and put it to rest. Time for all music lovers to move on...

The Magic Numbers – Love Me Like You Lyrics 12 years ago
Yes, someone in Brazil listened to it over 100 x over the past week. I pity his girlfriend and the imaginary one he has in his dreams. I suggest he dream of more of the same 'cause that's what he really wants and it's all he'll ever have. Woot Woot. He da man.

Motörhead – The Chase Is Better Than The Catch Lyrics 12 years ago
Than he should chase away. It's apparently who he is and he wouldn't do it if he didn't enjoy it. To each his own. What one person needs is different than anothers.

The Replacements – I Will Dare Lyrics 12 years ago
It's a great band. I agree with your interpretation. I do believe that depending on the people, relationships cannot work when there is a large age difference. Some people are superficial. They also fear getting old, so they subconsciously resent older people. When they look at them they see their future, which they fear. Many people talk big about being tolerant and all-inclusive, but really they are prejudice. They can't get past the signs of aging: the saging and thinning of body skin; the loss of hair in men; the fat retention; the aches and pains caused by aging; etc. They see the physical and not the spiritual. I am blessed w/ an elderly mother who has more spunk than her 60-yr-old friends (20+ yrs her junior). Thankfully, her friends see who she is, not what she looks like. They don't judge people on what's on the outside; rather; they see her worth as a human being. So many stand at their pulpits and preach that they're accepting of everyone and are not restrainded by societal expectations, but they are liars. They would be ashamed to be seen with anyone older; not as handsome/pretty, etc. They care what others think of them; they are insecure. And they are people who are not for me...and never will be. I choose to 'hang' with honest people.

Counting Crows – Holiday In Spain Lyrics 12 years ago
"Fly away to someone new." Great line and great song.

Thom Yorke – Give Up the Ghost Lyrics 12 years ago
It's a LET IT GO anthem. Or a it was never yours so stop the fascade anthem. Either way it's a great song by a very talented man/band. Some people were never meant to be in our lives and will never be in our lives. I just wish they'd stop crying when they're lonely and in the mood to use others.

Tune-Yards – My Country Lyrics 12 years ago
The most sexist man who uses women for sex and companionship; judges them by their looks; and needs them to make him feel like a man is talking about feminism like he's some kind of hero to women. Screw him. He's a fake and a liar.

Frightened Rabbit – Nothing Like You Lyrics 12 years ago
Definitely 'fuzzy', Brazil...'fuzzy." This song screams, You're going to be fine...just fine....and 'fuzzy." Merry Christmas.

Good Charlotte – Like It's Her Birthday Lyrics 12 years ago
Nice interpretation. Sorry to whomever had a young girlfriend who behaved this way over the past week :D I think this type of guy should pick up the phone (or send an email) to communicate with his girlfriend when they're apart. And when they are apart, he should spend his time telling his parents/family wonderful things about her. And since it's Christmas, if they're not together, he definitely is. Good song, but not the band's best. Things to do. Gotta go...just wanted to comment on this song I heard over the past week.

St. Vincent – Strange Mercy Lyrics 12 years ago
Do it. Just do it. Big f-ing deal. Tired of threats...that's what this song is realmy about. Take it all so your little boat will float. You got the power. Woot. Woot.

Helen Reddy – I Am Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
The result was latch key kids (they really did wear the keys around their necks in the 70's). Lots of downers from the feminist movement, but there were many positives as well. It's always a good thing when a man can't beat his wife and get away with it; when he no longer can rape her under the law; and when a woman can get credit to own property and escape abusive marriages, etc.

Helen Reddy – I Am Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
You obviously didn't live through that time. Bra burning was not exactly great....women walking around w/o bras and breast feeding in public were not necessarily great visuals, much like the time when thongs were popular and 400lb pound women decided they, too, liked the look!

Helen Reddy – I Am Woman Lyrics 12 years ago
I have loved this song since my days (and marching) with the feminist movement that is sadly no longer recognizable as the voice of choice (not just sexual) and equality (not preferential treatment). It truly was the anthem of the early 70's when I was blessed with my best friend's mother 'Nancy' who sat around drinking Fresca when she was not homemaking, and who shared her Ms. Magazine and political and personal war stories with me. Love the song! Love Helen Reddy. “I am woman. I am invincible” and I have family arriving today for the holiday which caused me to turn down two dates (with one person) set up by my good friend “T,” who’s always trying to find men for me. Merry Christmas to all you grinches and scrooges, but do notice the last two user names.

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