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Relient K – Be My Escape Lyrics 12 years ago
I really, really don't think it's about a girl... The song was written before the video was made. These lyrics are centered toward a savior, a leader, and a deliverer. The chorus talks about being trapped , "all the while you hold the key, and I've been dyin' to get out, and that might be the death of me." This is a huge symbol of how we are trapped, but God holds the "key" to freeing us, but also how we have to die to ourselves for him to free us, because we are trapped in ourselves. And then the there's the line about living a life we deserve, but grace makes life not fair. I will concede that if someone wanted to interpret this song as a song to a girl, then they could make a case. However, I think that the words, symbols, and themes point too much towards God's grace, patience and forgiveness to simply be a song about a girl.

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