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Foster the People – Chin Music for the Unsuspecting Hero Lyrics 12 years ago
I salute Foster The People, for writing songs that actually have a point to them.
Love this song! Really catchy, and if what I think it means is correct, then relatable.
I think it's basically about someone going through a pretty tough time, and everything's not going their way. They're makin' mistakes, feelin' pretty down... But they're trying to get through it. They're not giving up. Though, I also think that it's trying to say that just one guy going through all this alone makes him a hero. The part where he says "Where are my friends now? They're not here when I need them" shows that he's not getting much support, or basically when things get tough, his friends leave. And he may feel like he's not doing so great, but he doesn't realize that he's a hero ("Unsuspecting Hero") for trying to make it through and get past it.

Pretty incredible, if ya ask me. If you didn't ask me, then it's still incredible. Anyone who faces difficult situations with a good head on their shoulders and a positive outlook is, in my opinion, a "hero". Especially if all their friends run and hide because something got tricky or tough. This song is relatable and motivating :)

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 12 years ago
Dont'cha just love reading everyone's comments? This song's meaning is basically controversial. (Unless you watch the FTP interviews!!) I posted on here about three times already, but I wanna post a fourth time.
Ok, so wanna know what Pumped Up Kicks is really about?? (Got this info from watching FTP interviews --That what I always do in my spare time)
Ok, so Mark said that he heard more and more on the news about kids doing something violent, like bringing guns and other weapons to school - And he said it bothered him. He didn't get how, and WHY, kids (preferably ages 12-17) would ever even think considering doing something violent. So, he wanted to "get inside the head of a kid who was going insane". Mark was tryig to think of what would cause a kid to act that way, whether it being bullying, isolation, etc. He was trying to write from the perspective of that kid.

In one interview, he said, "There are two sides to a tragedy. One being the victim, of course... One being the side of the shooter [killer]..."

So, all in all, the song is describing what's going on in a kid's life that makes him think violent thoughts. For example, in the second verse, "Daddy works a long day, he be comin, home late, he's comin' home late"... I think that part is trying to say that his dad works a lot, is hardly ever home... Leaving the kid with no one to talk to. I bet all he needs is closure, but he's basically fending for himself. And obviously, he's taunting the victims... "Better run, better run, outrun my gun!"

I honestly don't get why some people say this is a bad song. Clearly, it's not trying to influence you in ANY way, shape or form. It's written as a story.
Ok, if ya don't get that, think of it like this: You're reading a story. A murder mystery, to be exact. Someone dies mysteriously, police are trying to find the killer. Would you say that the author of that book is trying to influence murder?? I doubt it.

So yeah... That being said, I LOVE Pumped Up Kicks!! It's my most favorite song. EVER :D

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 12 years ago
Honestly, I don't think this song is about any particular shooting, it's just about a shooting in general. I think it's about the inner-workings of a bullied kid, what drives him to think about bringing a gun to school.
I love this song :)

Tyrone Wells – Sink or Swim Lyrics 12 years ago
I'm not quite sure why, but this doesn't really strike me as a "love song". The first few times I heard it I thought it was, but now when I listen to it, I think it has a different meaning. I kinda think that this is a song about someone feeling confused or overwhelmed, almost unsure about how to express themselves. (Not in a love way, though) They feel almost "torn"; there's something that they want to do, and they're analyzing the pros and cons. Something is almost holding them back. "Caught in the middle of a crossfire, lost my balance on a highwire, trying to figure out what to do" basically says "I'm confused, I can't seem to think what the right thing to do is".

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 12 years ago
In several interviews with Foster The People (I love them!), they said that the story was written from a "character's" point of view. Mark Foster, lead singer and song writer, said that he heard numerous times on the news that kids and teens were bringing weapons and guns to school. He wanted to try to think what it was like to be in that kid's shoes, to see what almost "drives him mad". He wanted to think what would cause a kid to do something violent, wether it was because he/she was isolated or being bullied. On page ten, I wrote what I originally thought the song was about, and there were a few more details. But anyways, I love FTP! Mark Foster's go some rockin' hair... :)

Owl City – Galaxies Lyrics 12 years ago
In my opinion, (no offense to any other religions!) I like that Owl City became a "Christian band". And I love this song! It's catchy; a great song you can tap your feet to. I am not quite sure of the meaning, I think it's probably how nothing else compares to or can replace God. He is the ultimate creator. But there is something that I would just LOVE to point out: Owl City did NOT steal ideas from The Postal Service! I personally love both of those bands (and I also love Coldplay - anything alternative/indie) but Owl City isn't a rip-off! By saying it is, it's like saying that a band/singer is a rip-off because they sound a little bit similar to the band of the SAME GENRE.For example: The Fray and The Script are sorta 'alternative". Would you say that The Fray is a rip-off, just because it's the same genre as The Script? No, I didn't think so. :)

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 12 years ago
Bravo, Coldplay! Amazing song!
In my opinion this song is basically all about the hardships or troubles that one faces in life. He's saying that he's not perfect, and he struggles sometimes. It's like when you think you're doing the right thing, but it ends up all wrong. Or when you try so hard at something, no matter what it was, but you end up feeling like it was just a waste. You can't get everything you want. You can't always know what's right. He's saying that he's not going to give up, though; even if he falls sometimes, he'll pick himself back up. He'll learn from his mistakes and try again.
This song has a really beautiful meaning..!

Coldplay – Talk Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this is a very lovely song! Truly amazing, but then again I'm not supreised; all of Coldplay's songs are amazing. I think this means someone is sort of sruggling inside, almost like it has something to do with emotional-stuff. The person is feeling conteplative, or "thinky", and feels a bit confused. A little daydreamy, too. They feel confused, and insecure, almost like they don't not what's going on. They feel lost. And all they really need to do is talk. Literally. I think it's that they need closure, and they not to talk about what's on their mind and what's troubling them. They feel like there's almost something they need to get off their chest.
I can definitely relate...

Radical Face – Welcome Home Lyrics 12 years ago
Beautiful! Maybe the most meaningful song I have ever heard...

What this song means to me is that you shouldn't focus on negative things. You shouldn't live in the past. I mean, sure, something might have left a few "scars", but they fall off eventually! Instead of being all negative, you should remember the better things, and find the good in what happened. To me, I think he used to be very stand-off-ish because of something that happened to him in his past. In the song, though, it's basically saying how he decided to finally let go of them and move on. And the thing about "scars" is, you basically chose whether to have them or not. If you never let them go, and always dwell on them in a way, they won't heal; they'll only leave and ugly scar on you. But if you treat it before it becomes worse, and if you don't make a big deal out of it, it will soon heal correctly and fall off.

So the guy is saying, do what you will with what once was, I don;t care; It's over. Done. And when they say "Welcome Home", they mean, the old you has returned, so I guess they mean it figuratively, but he describes his home so it seems like they mean it in a literal sense. But it just means, you weren't the same after what had happened, but you let it go and only remember the good things that happened to you. The cheerful, happy memories. So the person you really, truly are is finally back. After some soul searching, you've returned.

Welcome home.

OneRepublic – Stop and Stare Lyrics 12 years ago
I really like this song. Anyone can relate to it if they really listen to it...
It's basically about this guy who is ready to make a change in his life. Either he's choosing to or not. But anyways, somethings going to change. And it's probably something that most people may have a hard time doing. What I mean is, something major is happening in his life, possibly rough or trying, and he's hesitant. He's doubtful that he can make it through it. He tries to convince himself that he can, though. "Steady feet, don't fail me now" means that, you got me this far; you made it through everything else, so there's no reason why you can't make it through this. Sure you may not like what has to be done, but you'll get through it. You just have to move on, remain positive, and keep looking forward. Everythng turns out okay in the end.

Amazing meaning!

The Fray – You Found Me Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is so meaningful, it is easy to relate to.
What this song means to me is that something tragic or despressing happens to someone, (in this case, I believe it is the death of a loved one)and he prays and prays to God. God doesn't come yet, and the person is hung up in his/her own struggle. Finally, one day, God comes, saying "I am here. It's not too late", while the person is thinking that it is too late. They say "Why weren't you there for me when I needed you? If you had come earlier, you could've fixed this! It didn't have to happen, and you could've made it better!" But God is saying that he's been there all along, watching and taking care of you, even if you don't realize it. And also, everything happens for a reason. Fate has a funny way of making things work. And whether we like it or not, it's what needs to happen.

Great song!

Coldplay – Paradise Lyrics 12 years ago
I really really love this song! Coldplay is a great band.
To me, this song bascially means that someone is going through a really tough time, and so she kinda escapes to a "paradise", which in this case isn't a real place, but a state of mind. Maybe she doesn't want to accept that what's happening to her is real, so she daydreams of what she wishes her life were really like.

This song is so catchy, so upbeat. Keep it up, Coldplay!

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is so cathcy! I'm serious, every time I hear it I can never get it out of my head, but why would I even want to? It's my fav song...
Anyways, what I always thought it meant was that there's this kid who finds a box in his dad's closet, since the lyrics say, "He found a six-shooter gun, in his dad's closet, with a box of fun things". I think that means that he found stuff in there like a gun, cigarettes, maybe beer. I think he tries smoking, since it mentions that in the song. After trying it, he begins to get "high", kinda, and threatens to shoot people with the gun. He's messing with the people by saying to "run faster than my bullet" because you can't run faster than a bullet. Also, I think he was high because the song says "Your hair's on fire! You must've lost your wits, yeah".

This song is so upbeat and happy! And one of the many reasons why I like it is that I'm in Cross Country, and it would akways get stuck in my head right before a meet or practice. And it helped me run better and faster, because I'm like "Okay, there's a dude with a gun chasing me. I wanna get away from this guy!" Yeah, I love this song!

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