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John Mayer – Belief Lyrics 13 years ago
I think Jbox's answer is barely skimming the surface.

Belief is a beautiful armor, but makes for the heaviest sword.
Here John is talking about how beautiful belief truly is when you wear it. Belief can make you into a better person, if you let it. But when used incorrectly, belief can be weilded as a weapon, used to hurt others. Obviously there is a big anti-war message in this song, and I believe John is speaking out against our nation's policy makers deciding that it's okay to force our way of life, our beliefs, on other people - and not only force it on them, but kill innocent people in the name of it.

Like punching underwater, you never can hit who you're trying for.
In general, when there is violence in the name of belief (and God is not always involved in these beliefs) many innocents are lost. Take current affairs right now. We have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, we are bombing Libya, Pakistan, and Yemen, and we are meddling in Syria. We attempted to assassinate Gaddafi, but instead killed part of his family. We have drones bombing in Pakistan that kills innocent people every day. If not for all this buzz about Bin Laden (which really just depends on if you trust the government/media anymore) people who be questioning whether or not our military can hit ANYONE they're aiming for. John sums up this doubt in only a few elegant words.

When it comes to Mayer's songs, there's a lot under the surface. I don't really listen to any of "today's hit music" because in my opinion, it's all crap. Singing about days of the week or doing blow or having sex with all sorts of people. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take John's common sense/political views with a nice helping of sweet, sweet crooning over Britney Spears any day.

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