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T. Rex – Children Of The Revolution Lyrics 9 years ago
Apparently it was just about teenager rebellion. Or trying to encapsulate the rebellious attitude that teenagers hold.

I always thought it was about the counterculture of the 60s but after a quick Google search it seems as if no one else has made that connection.

I'm not the biggest TRex fan (well actually this is the only song of theirs I know) but I have always liked this song. Just because in my mind, I had it romantically linked to 60's youths challenging the orthodoxy of the establishment and (for the most part) winning.

Nirvana – Dumb Lyrics 13 years ago
Melody Maker, in their August 21, 1993 interview with Kurt Cobain, explained:

MM: The lyric for "Dumb" seems peculiarly direct, a song about life's simple, silly little pleasures. Like "I think I'm dumb/Or maybe just happy." Is it intended to reflect that new-found optimism you've mentioned, or should we be reading it ironically?

Cobain: "That's just about people who're easily amused, people who not only aren't capable of progressing their intelligence but are totally happy watching 10 hours of television and really enjoy it. I've met a lot of dumb people. They have a --itty job, they may be totally lonely, they don't have a girlfriend, they don't have much of a social life, and yet, for some reason, they're happy."

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