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Awolnation – Sail Lyrics 13 years ago
Well, any song has different meanings to different people listening to it because of different interpretations. My big deal with the incorrect portrayal of ADD/ADHD by kingsmalls, who was attributing asburger-like symptoms to ADHD, which isn't the case.

Awolnation – Sail Lyrics 13 years ago
Toddwsocks nailed it.

The person who is commenting on ADD and it screwing with how one shows love is grossly overthinking it - I have ADD and its attention deficit disorder, not Asburgers or Autism. I have no problems expressing my love, nor do other folks. Now, being able to keep on task and focus when something DOESN'T interest us? Completely different story. But I'm happily married with 2 kids, and ADD tends affect the ability to hold down a job successfully more than it does expressing love.

If Kingsmalls feels how he does, he might have other issues than ADD (ADHD), and it might behoove him to go see a clinical psychologist to see if he suffers from chronic depression, something that would cause the symptoms he is expressing.

Awolnation – Sail Lyrics 13 years ago
Toddwsocks nailed it.

The person who is commenting on ADD and it screwing with how one shows love is grossly overthinking it - I have ADD and its attention deficit disorder, not Asburgers or Autism. I have no problems expressing my love, nor do other folks. Now, being able to keep on task and focus when something DOESN'T interest us? Completely different story. But I'm happily married with 2 kids, and ADD tends affect the ability to hold down a job successfully more than it does expressing love.

If Kingsmalls feels how he does, he might have other issues than ADD (ADHD), and it might behoove him to go see a clinical psychologist to see if he suffers from chronic depression, something that would cause the symptoms he is expressing.

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