


Music is my livelihood PERIOD
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The Lumineers – Angela Lyrics 6 years ago
I was raised by a family that abused me mentally and raised me in a cult like environment. By the time I got the strength to leave and be on my own as a young free women it was a feeling of EXCITEMENT I don’t think I’ll ever be able to describe. I just jumped in my green jeep turned on the white lights and drove.

It was my first chance to dive into the “wilderness” or “the world” outside of my cult. I moved through a lot of towns to figure out who I really was. I was trying to leave all the negativity behind without any real support or guide. I did anything and everything that brought me any type of exhilaration. Any type of feeling that was once repressed I choose to explore.

It wasn’t until my mid twenties when I met my boyfriend, that I realized I wasn’t just living my life freely all along. Subconsciously before him I wasted a lot of time abusing drugs, and getting into trouble whenever my “upbringing” would come into “the corner of my mind” . I basically waged a war within myself.

Overtime by being in a supportive relationship with him I no longer focus on “the corner of my mind”. Instead, I find myself getting lost into him, and him into me “ I even catch myself revisiting the ideal of unconditional love again. The type of love I never experienced with my real family. He’s been so supportive and influential to me. He “raises me up to watch me grow” like I’m his queen. His very own cleopatra. Moreover, each day we’re together, we keep building each other up like a symbolic brick house.

Personally, It’s been a long time coming for me, a long time running away from love. But now that I’m with him I finally feel at home. As far as family goes, from a second time around, he’s the only love I ever knew. “ God knows I’ll be ready to say YES should he get down on one knee.

OneRepublic – Burning Bridges Lyrics 8 years ago
Normally when someone metaphorically "burns a bridge" in a relationship they cease all ties and connections. But this song puts a new meaning on that metaphor. Here the man is admitting that he builds bridges to create distance.

In medieval times draw bridges were put in front of castle to protect the castle from intruders. The man in this song is asking his lover to burn down his draw bridge, or any distance he attempts to create within their relationship. He feels like "They're meant to be and theirs no need to keep looking for something better" Each time she sets fire to his bridge she creates a way to get closer towards his castle or metaphorical heart.

I think when you're in a healthy relationship you constantly feel this need to grow closer to your mate. You make your own personal fears, hesitations, and deep feelings known. By doing this we create a loving bond that's pure and unconditional.

I'm reminded of this simple truth everytime I listen to this song.

The Helio Sequence – Shed Your Love Lyrics 9 years ago
It took me a while, and I could be wrong . But here's my take on this beauty of a song . This song has a lot to do with connections. Both making them and losing them. If you listen closely you'll hear the hum of a train,plain,motorcycle,etc..all these different avenues of travel represent different ways of staying connected. One can choose to get off and go home,or keep riding until they find the right connection. The person in this song is fighting with the idea that they may never find the right connection. A person whom they truly want to go home to every night. A person whom he can share his shattered thoughts with instead of traveling as a lone passenger. He's asking people to shed their love or atleast take pity on him, because even though it looks like he's distant he's trying the best he can.

Kings of Leon – Wait For Me Lyrics 11 years ago
I love this band! Caleb's voice is superb. Just pure musical genius all around. I think this song is about someone who finally decided to ditch their persona, bad habit, or feelings of distrust for someone that's been waiting for them to come around. I can't wait to hear the full album in September <3

OneRepublic – Feel Again Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is beautiful. When you're a lonely soul you can only dream of finding someone that will make you feel something other than your own self doubt. I'm not yet in the point of my life where I've discovered that other person, but after hearing this song I couldn't help but want to start searching again.

Black Moth Super Rainbow – Dreamsicle Bomb Lyrics 11 years ago
This song reminds me of a guy I dated that was horrible for my parents sanity. But great for my peace of mind ;D

The Helio Sequence – Lately Lyrics 11 years ago
when you're in denial after a breakup, these are all of the thoughts and actions you'll deny that you're secretly doing.

The Blow – Hey Boy Lyrics 11 years ago
We over analyze way too much basically. This song is the epitome of what happens after 24 hours of silence passes by without a callback haha!

Grouplove – Naked Kids Lyrics 11 years ago
Good summer time jam! This song is the epitome of what goes down with my crew on beach days ;D

Delorean – Real Love Lyrics 11 years ago
The tone is so uplifting for this song even though the lyrical content is about breaking up. This song reminds me that not all breakups are bad, sometimes its a fresh start. Still, you can't help but wonder will you ever meet again?

Beach House – Walk in the Park Lyrics 11 years ago
The tone of this song is very depressing. " You go for a walk in the park because you don't need anything...The hand that you sometimes hold doesn't do anything..the world that you loved to behold... etc." In a matter of time, you'll eventually be let down- is what beach house is bringing out through these lyrics. When you experience so many disappointments you feel all dried and hopeless. It's hard to give "more" after a certain extent because you've been damaged emotionally. This problem will exist" In and out of your life" until you let your disappointments slip away with the passing of time.

Rhye – Open Lyrics 11 years ago
RHYE IS A MAN just thought I'd put that out there everyone. This song is about pure effing passion. He's passionate about this women! He's mesmerized by her! The thought of her going away for even just a second makes him plead NO! When I listen to this song I smile everytime. It's a good sign when you can't bear watching your lover fall asleep because you might miss out on staring into his eyes. Good one Rhye...

Sun Airway – Oh Naoko Lyrics 11 years ago
I just discovered this artist recently. I loved learning that they're from my hometown PHILLY Woop WOOp. And I'm in love with the sweet melody of this song. But I'm a little disappointed in the shallowness of the lyrical content. I don't know, just my thoughts.

Icona Pop – I Love It Lyrics 11 years ago
So simple.....

Icona Pop – I Love It Lyrics 11 years ago
I DON'T CARE about anything and everything that you think you held over me. And I LOVE IT, because now I'm focused on me ;D

Fleet Foxes – Montezuma Lyrics 11 years ago
What other songs have you wrote about? I loved how dead on you were with the beauty of this one. Good job dude ;D

Fleet Foxes – Montezuma Lyrics 11 years ago
Lol! @ItsAMouthful... I agree with all of your take on the meaning of this beautiful song

Fleet Foxes – Montezuma Lyrics 11 years ago
I am a 22 year old single women. This song evoked so much emotion in me when I first heard it. The entire song really addresses the underlying question " When is enough, enough?" When do you stop pursuing your own ambitions and start the process of preserving your legacy through building a family and loving relationships.I am unsure of what the ( Oh man, what I used to be, oh man, oh my, oh me) is implying. Maybe he's saying "oh man, oh my, oh me" after looking back on how self indulgent his life course was? - This song is so powerful it's scary how underrated it is.

Delta Spirit – Yamaha Lyrics 11 years ago
This song represents two sides of a breakup for me. The side that gets hurt. And the side that does the hurting for the better of the relationship. The repeat of " I hope you know I care" goes for both sides. It's like saying, sorry I had to break us up, but I still care for you. And it could also be sorry I was cold in our relationship, but take me back because I care. I love this song <3

Grouplove – Colours Lyrics 11 years ago
Everyone has ISH to deal with in life each day. It'a a part of the human condition. We can choose to be flying over the moon, kill ourselves with grief, or just be completely ignorant. Their are many different options. Like colors in the rainbow. Internally everyone fights the human condition on their own. (So when you see us there out in the open road,You don't need to explain if everything's changed, just know that you don't know.) You can't be too analytical about the state of someone else's being. How you perceive something isn't necessarily how others see things.The song itself is entitled Colours. The word colour is spelled as color in American English. It is spelled without 'u' in America only.The meanings of the two words are the same.... Moreover, as time goes on we change. ( And I think of my ways,I think of my days,and I know that I have changed) It's good to reflect on how the human condition is shaping you, It's the only way one can gauge if their growing to be a positive person. I love the verse ( Oh, knock that down, leave the ground and find some space, and tell your friends, friends...) When I'm in a depression that's the first thing I do. I knock down my crappy thoughts by reflecting and giving myself a little space from whatever's going on.Though I make sure I tell the people who care about me "I'll be back" so they don't start to write me off as completely hopeless. I think this song is genius and I appreciate it very much.

The Radio Dept. – You Stopped Making Sense Lyrics 13 years ago
The ideal of giving into this message scares me. When I heard this song i felt haunted, haunted because this conflict has always been a part of my life.

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