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Death Cab for Cutie – Your Heart Is an Empty Room Lyrics 13 years ago
This is ultimately about a person who had their heart badly broken and tried to start over new, but "with walls of the deepest blue" I believe they never were able to fully let go and find someone new. They held onto the pain for so long that love became a stranger and being alone and dating became the norm.

When they finally found someone who wanted to be with them and wasn't giving chase anymore it set them into a panic because they'd forgotten how to be in a relationship. This panic made them feel smothered and they only saw all the people they were missing out on dating and having a good time with. They didn't recognize the good times that love had once brought them.

Ultimately they didn't know how to handle love anymore so they burned that relationship to the ground.

Two words sum this up: Commitment Issues.

Burn it down
Until the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
(This is talking about trying to start out fresh after losing the love of someone and how it's a sad process that has left them "blue.")

Home's face, how it ages when you're away
The spring blooms
Then you find the love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
Because the chase is all you know
And she stopped running months ago
(I think this is talking about love being home and how this person has been away from it too long. They've finally found love again in someone who isn't going anywhere but they don't know what to do now they have it because they've been without and chasing after it for too long.)

And all you see
Is where else you could be
When you're at home
And out on the street
Are so many possibilities
To not be alone
(They're panicking here and all they see is the things they're missing while being "tied down." They keep seeing all the people they could be dating if they were single.)

Flames and smoke
Climbed out of every window
And disappeared
With everything that you held dear
But you shed not a single tear
For the things that you didn't need
Because you knew you were finally free
(This is still them panicking and they've ended the great love they found. They're still in the thought process of being free to have fun and date other people even though it meant losing something great.)

Death Cab for Cutie – Marching Bands of Manhattan Lyrics 13 years ago
This is my interpretation.

If I could open my arms
And span the length of the isle of Manhattan
I'd bring it to where you are
Making a lake of the East River and Hudson
(I think this is more of a personal reference that means something to the band and who it was written for but possibly it's saying they love this person enough to move mountains for them.)

And if I could open my mouth
Wide enough for a marching band to march out
They would make your name sing
And bend through alleys and bounce off all the buildings
(This is saying that they love this person so much that they want to shout it out to the world how amazing they think they are. A name is a powerful thing and always has been and he wants to glorify theirs to the world.)

I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
Oh, what a beautiful view
If you were never aware of what was around you
(To me this is saying we need to open ourselves to all different points of view and not wear blinders. The second part makes me think of "ignorance is bliss." They're saying the world is a beautiful place until you take a closer look.)

And it is true what you say
That I live like a hermit in my own head
But when the sun shines again
I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in
(I think this is talking about how he hides inside himself and he realizes that he does but when the world, his world, has sun shining on it/something good and happy happening in it he'll come back out of himself. Who doesn't want to hide from the bad in life?)

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
But while you debate half empty or half full
It slowly rises, your love is going to drown
(I think this is saying it's inevitable for sorrow to slowly slip into all of our lives from time to time and sometimes we get lost in it and let it become a comfortable constant in our life. But if we dwell on it it will slowly consume the happiness we have.)

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