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Kelly Clarkson – Because of You Lyrics 13 years ago
Each person is entitled to their own interpretation of songs. If a song means something to you, then let it be. Who is someone else to say whether or not that meaning is right or wrong? An interpretation is according to the intrepretor!

That being said, this song, to me, goes along with my father's alcoholism. I grew up going to his house every other weekend. I watched him destroy his life with his addiction-saw this with my very own eyes. I am now 16 years old and my father has done nothing but dug himself an even bigger hole than what he was in to begin with. He hasn't had a job in years, he lives off of unemployment, his sister pays for his house payment, he has no vehicle, he's $30,000 behind in child support, etc.

Watching someone that you love fall into depression and addiction is hard. Knowing that they put alcohol before you, their only child, is even worse. Seeing my dad stay single year after year is pathetic. "Because of you, I find it hard to trust, not only me, but everyone around me, because of you.." goes along with the fact that this man used to be a good man. He used to treat me and the rest of his family so well. What happened?

"I watched you die, I heard you cry, every night in your sleep. I was so young, you should have known, better than to lean on me." He's always tried to complain to me about his problems..which, once again, goes along with the song.

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