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Rogue Wave – Good Morning (The Future) Lyrics 12 years ago
Does anyone else think it is not you love is ASSIGNED to me, but just signed?

No matter how many times I listen, I can't here the "a"... not to mention, assigned doesn't make much sense.

"Your love always is signed to me" does make sense to me.... like, in a card, when someone signs "Love, so and so".... it's always signed to him.

I don't know, it makes more sense to me... lol

The Magnetic Fields – I Don't Believe You Lyrics 12 years ago
Hey all,

I first heard this song around 2006 or so.... and at the time, it fit almost completely perfectly for my situation. It wasn't that I was insecure at all... though in general that may be true, in the relationship, I wasn't.

It was more that the woman consistently would say things and do things when we were together that made it seem like she was in love with me... "so you quote love unquote me".... but then she'd go and talk to someone else and tell them likewise... "but you say that to everyone"...

Nearly every single verse fit my situation at the time.

She would tell me she loved me.... she'd play word games like that... not telling me I was cute, but instead say I'm not not cute. Things like that. And honesty was not her strong suit, as it all turned out. She told me of her past relationships and how I was so much different... and, well, the love wasn't very realistic lol

So, in the end, it was just her actions... despite her words saying she loved me... I truly did not believe her. It was never about insecurity... just dishonesty on her part.

This song could not have fit better at the time... I am long since over it, but it still always reminds me of it when I hear it, because almost every single word fits. :)

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