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Tool – The Pot Lyrics 13 years ago
I didn't read all 18 pages of comments, but here's my interpretation:

The song, starting with the title, is a big double entendre for both drugs (marijuana) and hypocrisy in government.

"Who are you to wave your finger? You must have been outta your head" -> Refers to the "pot calling the kettle black", but also to being stoned, "outta your head".

"Eye hole deep in muddy waters You practically raised the dead" -> Not too sure, but seems to be an allusion to war, oil, disaster, etc.

"Rob the grave to snow the cradle Then burn the evidence down" -> Do something illegal/morally questionable, but then hide all the evidence (common in corrupt governments). Also, "burn the evidence", though I've never heard it used as such, could also be taken to mean smoking marijuana.

"Soapbox house of cards and glass so Don't go tossin' your stones around" -> Refers both to a "house of cards", a fragile structure that can come tumbling down in a moments notice, and the addige "those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". Again, also a reference to "stoned", or being stoned, which turns up a lot.

"You must have been high
You must have been high
You must have been..." -> Obvious reference to marijuana intoxication, but also to "being on one's high horse".

"Foot in mouth and head up ass-hole Whatcha talkin' 'bout?" -> "Foot in mouth" means to shut up.

"Difficult to dance 'round this one 'til you pull it out, boy" -> Prosecution of marijuana is a difficult dance because so many damn people use it, also corruption is hard to dance around.

"Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference" -> Talking about corruption again, refers to "refer", i.e. marijuana again, and "shady inference" means "shady implications", akin to lying about a political opponent or simply scare-tactics.

"Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent" -> Kangaroo referring of course to a "kangaroo court", "hung the juror with the innocent" i.e. blamed him for doing what's right, not what the party line is, because he defended the "innocent" (i.e. drug users, who hurt no one but themselves).

"Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo
Got lemon juice up in your eye
When you pissed all over my black kettle" -> I heard someone say "weeping indigo" could mean blood, i.e. deaths from the hypocricy and war, "lemon juice in the eye" refers to kicking dirt or lies at someone, while "black kettle" again references "the pot calling the kettle black".

"Who are you to wave your finger?
So full of it
Eye balls deep in muddy waters
Fuckin' hypocrite" -> A variation on the first stanza, only more angry and outright. Last line sums it up.

"Liar, lawyer; mirror show me, what's the difference?" -> Lawyers are usually thought to be lying fraudsters.

"Kangaroo done hung the guilty with the innocent" -> Almost the same as above, only I don't know what implications changing "innocent" to "guilty" has to the meaning.

"Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo
Got lemon juice up in your eye, eye
When you pissed all over my black kettle
You must've been..." -> Repeat of above.

"So who are you to wave your finger?
Who are you to wave your fatty fingers at me?
You must have been out your mind" -> Starts off the same as the first stanza again, only "fatty fingers" refers to politicians, the "grubby little piggies" with their hands in everything!

"Liar, lawyer; mirror for ya', what's the difference?" -> Same line of as above.

"Kangaroo be stoned. He's guilty as the government" -> A command to fight the kangaroo courts who are as guilty of hypocrisy and corruption as the government proper.

"Eyeballs deep in muddy waters
Your balls deep in muddy waters
You must have been out your mind" -> First things first, I'm 95% sure it should be "Ganja police" not "Ganja please". Ganja police referring to those who wish to keep marijuana down and illegal, i.e. War on Drugs. Also "your balls deep in muddy waters" could be a reference to being "in over your head", only since it's talking about the "old white men's club" (government), balls is an appropriate substitution.

Well, that's my take.

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