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Bring Me the Horizon – Chelsea Smile Lyrics 12 years ago
I heard someone say that the lead singer is gay, which is up for debate but this song fits very well for a homosexual if you think about it. It fits in with the religious side because Christianity apposes homosexuality and maybe he feels guilty about being gay and 'wolves at the door', the people against his sexuality if he comes out. He considers his homosexuality a curse and is finding it harder to conceal. 'But if i don't believe in him why would he believe in me' Kind of like he thinks hes disobeying god by being gay so why would god believe in him. Maybe this is way off mark but i like how it is able to fit the lyrics and poetry is subjective to the reader.

Bring Me the Horizon – Chelsea Smile Lyrics 12 years ago
The fact that you dismiss a band because of the people you perceive to listen to it makes you a poser and a cock. I listen to music i like irrelevant of who else likes it

Rival Schools – Used For Glue Lyrics 13 years ago
Sounds to me like a guy is feeling guilty now about using an innocent (new) girl in the past and then dumping her when he had used her for his desires which were to impress friends etc:

'Dazed for time you were into
Praise from the crowd that you wanted to fool'

and now he can't shake the guilt he's having and hes 'living in the problems he decided to build' and he's to blame for it all!!! Seeing them live in England in April Woop!!

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