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Pierce the Veil – A Match Into Water Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is obviously about suicide, not sure where anyone's getting cancer from.

I agree with mouseluverkerry for the most part. Vic's angry at her and God. He's sort of deprecating God for taking her from him, but he holds this bitterness towards her for taking her own life and not thinking about all the people she destroyed by doing so.

Now, Now Every Children – School Friends Lyrics 12 years ago
I think the meaning is pretty clear.

This person doesn't want to be committed to this girl, but the girl has feelings for said person. Person strings her along by telling her what she wants to hear to get what they want from her, then acting like she doesn't mean anything anymore once they get what they're after.

I think the whole "You have a girlfriend, but she's not your girlfriend" line is sort of saying "Yeah, she's not your girlfriend, but you know she should be."

Now, Now Every Children – But I Do Lyrics 12 years ago
I agree with emilypowers.

I think it's about trying to be friends after a break up, and the person who ended the relationship being confused about their feelings. Ultimately dragging this person along with them on their quest to try and figure out what they want and how they feel. I sense a lot of leading on, guilt tripping, and neglecting in the lyrics.

Dev – Take Her from You Lyrics 12 years ago
i think the meaning is pretty obvious; she wants this girl and she's not gonna let anyone have her.

Never Shout Never – Time Travel Lyrics 12 years ago
You explained this so well. After I checked out the lyrics and read your comment on it, it became so much more intense to me. The imagery and the metaphors he used in the lyrics were amazing, it felt personal. It's a very sad song...every time I listen to it it pierces my soul a little.

Lady GaGa – Born This Way Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree completely with artist in disguise.
She most definitely was using her fame to show her support for something she truly believes in.

I find it funny how people take the time to point out the fact that she mentions the LGBTQ community but avoids the fact that she also speaks about different races twice as much.

It's all about equality. Yes, it's for that gay boy. Yes, it's for that asian girl. Yes, it's for that person with red hair and freckles. Yes, it's for that girl who was born with a physical/mental disability. It's for anyone who has ever been judged for something they can't help or judged for being who they are. You were born the way you are for a reason.

She's a hero to millions of people, and an inspiration.
And my girlfriend happens to be one of those people.

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