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Eminem – Love The Way You Lie (feat. Rihanna) Lyrics 14 years ago
There is domestic violence where the abuser who has no remorse and the victim, who at 1st thinks it is love but later realizes the other person is just abusive & really wants to leave the other but is afraid of what the other will do to them or their children if they do leave.. then there is the other..

and to me this is what Eminem is addressing, the dynamic of a relationship when 2 people have the most TOXIC LOVE imaginable for one another. They victimize the other person as well as themselves. They are both victims as well as guilty of being literally crazy for one another. I hope people dont have to experience this type of relationship but if you do I believe you go through it once. It's hard to truly understand unless you have been through it but the song as well as the video paints the picture of the turmoil that the extremity of emotions and how it is handled effect the people in these relationships. What they go through and what happens when they have no control of those emotions. You see what they are willing to endure for one another because no matter how bad it gets nothing seems worst then leaving each other. Their destructive relationship is a contradiction of what love should be but they truly are madly in love, Its heartbreaking...

- "And I love it the more that I suffer. I suffocate and right before I'm about to drown she resuscitates me. She fucking hates me and I love it."
- "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. But that's alright because I like the way it hurts"
- "It's so insane 'cause when it's going good, it's going great... But when it's bad, it's awful. I feel so ashamed"
- "You're the same as me. When it comes to love you're just as blinded. Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems, maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano. All I know is I love you too much to walk away though"

those are the verses that really hit home when I hear this song.
I have to say the hardest thing about being in that relationship was realizing that even though we wanted to to be together we needed to be apart. He showed me how much he loved me by leaving me. I knew it was killing him just as much as it was killing me.. Maybe years from now we can try again or maybe not but, one thing is for certain I dont ever doubt the depth of his love for me.

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