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Emiliana Torrini – Gun Lyrics 11 years ago

sorry - that makes so much more sense now lakdjklasjdkladsjlk

Emiliana Torrini – Gollum's Song Lyrics 12 years ago
I very much disagree. I have read the trilogy and am in love with it, to the point where I have done presentations on Tolkien's influences and such, and I honestly strongly doubt that anyone could have done it better.

Some of the lines are word for word with the book, and they even take some lines from different areas, such as the appendices like aragorn's mother, and, hey! even arwen's fate! So perhaps if you actually read the books and paid attention to the movie instead of falling asleep, hipster, you would actually understand the references of the movie.

There is nothing wrong with fans liking the movies that were actually very close to the book, maybe it's just your ignorance to any movie adapted from a book because so many of them are trash.

I am a large fan of the movies and the books, and I read and understood the trilogy much more than you probably ever will, asshole.

Not that anyone asked what our opinions of the movies actually were, nor cares about anyone's dislikes about it, since this is merely about the *song*

Arcade Fire – My Body Is a Cage Lyrics 13 years ago
I think this song has to do with a more... existential, or even nihilistic view of life.

That even though he's been searching for the on he loves, he has been on a philosophical journey to find answers that he had, a very dangerous journey. It has gotten to a point where they are very depressed and feel displaced, living in this age, and yet they can only look back to what they desire the most, and envision it.

Finally, "i'm living in an age, realizing im dancing with the one i love, but my mind holds the key," they found at last what they have been searching for, but the mental journey they took, was that one desire fulfilled enough now? What was the point? They were trapped in their minds, begging to have there spirit freed, probably by the one that they were searching for.

(first half has already happened to me, so it explains that viewpoint)

My Brightest Diamond – Bass Player Lyrics 13 years ago
story of my life, so beautiful and sad

My Brightest Diamond – Goodbye Forever Lyrics 13 years ago
this song is so beautiful, it outlines the sorrows and loneliness, the desperation to have what you so desperately want, even if you can just see it and it's almost in your grasp. I love the fear of exposure line, its true with many somber souls

Rilo Kiley – A Better Son/Daughter Lyrics 13 years ago
i love this songg, story of my life pretty much hahah, i kinda think this song is about living as a teenager in the beginning and the struggles of life. it is everything we go through and how we fight to be happy... i love the part where it says

"but the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap, and it teases you for weeks in its absence."

it is completely true...

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