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Bad Religion – Shattered Faith Lyrics 13 years ago
This is probably my favorite song they've got in there 200 plus arsenal of incredible songs!

I grew up a catholic and only recently (within the last year) have come to no longer believe that god (the way I have been brought up to believe) exist. I had a epiphany that never dawned on me before, and it's so obvious that I feel stupid for never seeing it before. These books that these people of faith follow that is said to be the word of god is written by MAN... man who is so easily corrupted and wants nothing more than to have power over others. And I grew up being told that things written in the Bible had come true in the past. Things that had been written thousands of years before they ever came true. Things that could have been cleverly rewritten in there at some point as they have reprinted versions such as the King James version.

I haven't seen any prof of an almighty god yet, so I can't say he doesn't exist because he definitely does in the minds of many. But this song to me will always (for me) relate to my shattered faith. The part of me I can't erase.

This song is F*CKING AWESOME!

Bad Religion – Grains of Wrath Lyrics 14 years ago
Thanks for your reply! I think you nailed it.

Bad Religion – To Another Abyss Lyrics 14 years ago
And I should have added that this song, in a general interpretation in my mind, is about going on a journey to find answers and finding human flaws as well as your own along the way. And along the way realizing that not only has the search led you to no conclusive answers, but also to the realization of just how far away you are from who you were when you started this journey for answers.

Bad Religion – To Another Abyss Lyrics 14 years ago
The one line in this song that get's me is "And it chills me to the bone that I'm so far away from home." It makes me think about how religious my dad's side of the family is and how they are serious truth seeking Christian's. There not your everyday blind followers. They have regular meetings with several different branches of faith and have serious intellectual debates about what they believe. And they really listen and try to understand others perspectives on Religion. But this line in this song makes me think about how different I have become over the years, and how my belief in a god has become almost completely opposite that of my family. It's such a sad detached feeling.

Bad Religion – All There Is Lyrics 14 years ago
There are some really great posts on here in relation to this song, so thanks everyone for sharing!

The thing this song really makes me think about is growing up as a kid and learning more and more all the things my parents told me were all lies... the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, Leprechauns... the list goes on. Why should God be any different? And I ask that as a serious question. There's no physical evidence that makes me feel completely confident about the existence a God. People make up so many things through-out history that get passed down and reinterpreted in so many ways. The idea of a God to meet in the after-life is such a comforting thing to help blindly push you through another day.

And the line "And everything is dearly missed" makes me think about how a part of me misses the comfort in those lies I grew up with. How things were easily explained through lies, or just didn't need to be addressed in my mind because they had simple answers with locked doors that didn't require opening. Part of me is glad I'm not that blind anymore, but that comfort is definitely gone.

The line "Can that be all there is?" leads me to contemplate is there just nothing when I die, and I no longer exist. It's depressing and confusing. It's like I'm running an equation in my head that has no answer. Being a programmer, I can see so many similarities to how people are just like complex programs, and that's just depressing as well.

It makes sense when I think about sleep and how parts of your brain shut down to de-fragment as I like to think of it. Dreams are often like false reality in my dreaming experience. And like my computer, if my G:/ drive is down or not connected, I can't access certain files so my computer world is not going to be all there. And it always amazes me how I often, in my dreams, I treat a false reality as an acceptable reality. It makes me feel like a computer without all my drives functioning.

But this is a great song! And I just love the fact that BR has been giving me so much to contemplate on for almost 20years now!

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