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Cults – Go Outside Lyrics 12 years ago
I think with the initial audio of reverend Jim Jones 'But to me, death is not... death is not a fearful thing, its living thats treacherous... Do not be afraid to die! If these people land out here, they'll torture some of our children here, they'll torture our people, they'll torture our seniors, we cannot allow this!....' A part of which is then repeated under the rest of the audio later on, and the video of the song showing the Peoples Temple with the band members edited into the footage - being placed with those who leave Jonestone, that the song could have a double meaning of being from the perspective of one of the survivors of Jonestone or one of the people who want to leave, with the 'You really want to hole up' being Jones who wants to hole up in the compound and commit suicide.

The Knife – Marble House Lyrics 14 years ago
This song reminds me somewhat of the 1879 play A Doll's House (Et Dukkehjem) by Norweigna author Henrik Ibsen. Thus i associate the message of the song, like the message of the play, as one with deep femenist undertones. Especially the lines 'And the seeds I sow will grop up prisoners too' which could be seen to suggest that women are trapped in marriage and or relationships in general by the dominearing patriacal society

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