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Gene – Fighting Fit Lyrics 12 years ago
Well it's obviously about a girl he either can't be with or who doesn't want to commit to him. He's still young enough to get spend time experiencing meaningless relationships - 'I am still young, My blood flowing like a flood, Come and take every single bone, I will give as good as I get' could quite easily be a sexual connotation - but he's saying he's been there, done that, and ready for something more real. It seems like this girl cannot quite bite the bullet and commit to him like he wants to.

Shed Seven – Chasing Rainbows Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this is about not dwelling on those things that you wish you'd never done. If you deny the mistakes you've made, you won't learn from them and you won't achieve anything. There's nothing wrong with aiming high (chasing rainbows) and if you don't try and realise your full potential, you'll just be left with regret and you'll 'never realise' what you could be.

Blur – London Loves Lyrics 14 years ago
Diana died 3 years after this song was released...

Suede – Animal Nitrate Lyrics 14 years ago
Forgot to add, I presume that the 'now you're over 21' lyric refers to the legal age of consent for gay people was 21 at the time this song was written. That's just my interpretation though...

Suede – Animal Nitrate Lyrics 14 years ago
Brett Anderson wrote a lot of songs about Justine Frischmann (his ex-girlfriend who went off with Blur's Damon Albarn) but he tended to change the lyrics to make it sound like he is singing about a homosexual experience. This was probably to try and make it less obvious that was writing about Frischmann but also to emphasise his Bowie-influenced adrogyny, which helped give him more of an identity over other artists.

The Auteurs – American Guitars Lyrics 14 years ago
According to his book 'Bad Vibes: Britpop and My Part in its Downfall', Luke Haines (The Auteurs' singer and songwriter), this song is (and I quote):

'part sarcastic riposte to British bands who cannot find their own voice, forever worshipping at the altar of US rock, part self-mythologising history of my fledgling band'

This is one of The Auteurs' earliest songs and was written at a time when British rock/indie music was at a real low and American grunge music, most notably Nirvana, was dominating. Bands like The Auteurs and Suede, perhaps somewhat unconsciously and/or unwillingly, began a sort of uprising of British music that would eventually go on to be labelled by the media as 'Britpop'

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